Two Little Lovers

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You wake up and hear somebody sniffling. You get up and walk to the ledge and sun was sitting there with his hands to his eyes. You then realize he is crying. You sit down next to him and grab his hands. "What's wrong Sunny? Are you okay, what happened?" You asked. "I'm so sorry, I didn't want you to meet him." Then he looked at you and said "are you okay? Did he hurt you?" He says scatterbrained. "I am okay, he didn't hurt me." You say as you stand up and pull him up to his feet. "Okay good. I'm so sorry about moon. He is very overprotective, but I'm sure he will come around." Sunny says. You rap your arms around Sunnies neck. "Hey, it's okay and I get it. He just wants to make sure nobody hurts you again." You say gazing into his eyes. "I thought you were going to leave us." Sunny says stroking your hair. You start to get butterflies, "am I in love with him? Does he even like me back?" You think to yourself. "We should go set up for the kids." Sunny says. "Oh yeah, let's go!" you say as he helps you down from the ledge. You go to get some mini donuts and milk from the snack room while Sunny set up for the little kids. When you finished eating the Mini donuts and drinking the milk you helped finish setting up everything. "Now we just wait for the kids to arrive!" Sunny says. "Yea, they should be here soon!" You say. A couple minutes later the kids arrive. "Hi miss y/n! Hi Sunny! "Hellooo friends!" Sunny says exited.
"Hi guys!" You say happily. "So should we do? We can finger-paint, do arts and crafts and we can color and-" he got cut off. "Arts and crafts!" The kids shouted. Everyone worked on arts and crafts for a while. "Whatcha making?" you ask. "I'm making a sparkly paper filled with googley eyes!" He replied. You chuckle and say "I love it!" A kid went up to Sunny and asked "Sunny, can we color?" "Of coarse! Let's go color everyone!" Sunny said exited. "Hey Sunny? I think we should draw a picture for moon." You say. "That's a great idea!" Sunny says happily. You guys both draw a picture of moon for him. When your done you both draw random things. After a while the kids get tired and you and Sunny carry the children to the sleeping area. "They are so cute when they sleep!" You say. "They are so fun to play with too! So much energy all the time like me!" Sunny exclaims. You laugh, "your so funny, I love you!" You just realized what you said. "Will he notice I said I loved him?" You wonder. "You love me?" Sunny asks. "I-" you don't know what to say. Sunny smiles at you and blushes. "C'mon" he grabs your hand and takes you to his room. "Shouldn't we watch the children" you ask. "They will be fine, they usually don't wake up for at least an hour" he says. "So what are we-" he pins you to the wall, not as rough as moon did. "Just so you know, moon can hear you so you better be quiet" he says. You know what's going and on so you smile. You throw your arms around Sunnies neck and he puts his arms around your waist. You both start to make out with each other. You rap your legs around his waist. He touches your shirt but then looks up at you for permission. You nod yes and he takes your shirt off and whispers "your so beautiful." He takes your his pants off and before taking yours off he looks up at you for permission. You nod and he does and then he puts his yk in your yk (sorry I am not going type that lol 😭🤚). You start to moan but he puts his hand across your mouth and says "you don't want him to hear you." He looks at his fingers and grins. You know what he is about to do. He starts to finger you and you start to whimper."shhhh, we don't wanna wake your kids now do we?" He whispers. You guys make out again and then you guys get dressed. "Wanna watch some tv?" he asks you. "Yea sure!" You say. He sits in his sofa chair so you sit on his lap. You feel him getting hard. He strokes your hair as you both watch tv. After about an hour you both go down and sit by the kids. Not long after that, they wake up. "Good afternoon miss y/n and Sunny!" Some say as they wake up. "Good afternoon Friends! Do you want a snack?" Sunny asks. "Yea!" They all shout exited! The parents start to come and pick up their children. After they are all gone you and Sunny pick up. Once your done picking up you put the art you made for Moon in your pocket. "Hey Sunny, do you want me to stay another night?" You ask as you walk towards him. "I don't know, I don't want Moon to hurt you." Sunny says worriedly. "I don't think he will, he just says he will. I think I know what his intentions are." You say confidently. "Are you sure" he asks nervously. "Absolutely!" You say. "Well okay then, want to go back up to my room?" He asks. "I'm going to go home first and get ready for bed but I'll come back and spend the night." You say. "Okay then, see you later sunshine! I mean-" you realize what just happened and replied with "it's fine! You can call me whatever works best for you!" You say. Sunny blushes and smiles knowing that you were teasing him (in a good way). You go home and get ready for bed. After you are all set you get back to MPP. You enter the daycare just in time to hear that it was closing.

Word count: 1004

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