A Hopeful Morning

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You woke up you Sunny cuddling you. You hugged him tighter to wake him up. "Good Morning sunshine!" He says in a sleepy voice happy to see you up. You LOVED his sleepy voice, it was so adorable. "How are you feeling today?" He asks with an adorable grin on his face. "I'm feeling much better now, thanks Sunny!" You say. You feel like you don't deserve someone as amazing as him, him and Moon both. Even though moon isn't warmed up you all the way, you can tell he is a big softie."come on let's go set up!" You say happily. You feel like today won't be shit and actually be decent. "Okay Sunshine!" Sunny says happy to see you feeling better. You go grab some mini muffins and milk. You sit and chat with Sunny while eating breakfast. After breakfast you help Sunny set up. "I think that moon is getting used to me." You say to Sunny. "I think so too, you guys will be best friends! Or maybe even more that that." Sunny says teasing you. Once you guys set up you wait for the children and soon enough they come sliding down the slide. "Good morning Sunny!" The kids say. "Good morning friends!" He says exited. "Good Morning y/n!" They say to you. "Good morning children!" You say to them. "What shall we do today?" Sunny asked the kids. The kids all decided on hide and seek. "Okay! Every go hide, I'll count to 20!" Sunny says. You decide to hide in the ball pit. "It would be a pretty god hiding spot" you think to yourself. "You hear Sunny say " ready or not hear I come!" A little while later you hear someone digging in the ball pit. "Oh shit is he going to find me already?" You say in your mind. You hear the digging get closer and then it went quiet. All of a sudden you feel Sunnies warm hands on your body. He picks you and and shouts "I FOUND YOU Y/N!" "Good Job!" You tell him while chuckling. You felt so happy around him. No, you felt so happy around them. You helped Sunny search for the rest of the kids. It took half an hour but you eventually found them. Then the kids decided on tag. You guys played lag for an hour and this time you didn't trip. After that Sunny got the kids to color and then do arts and crafts. You colored a picture of moon and then put googley eyes and glitter glue on it to make it look better. "That is your best artwork yet y/n!" Sunny tells you grinning. "Thanks Sunny!" You say grinning back. Sunny loves to see you smile, it makes him feel better. Finally it was nap time and Sunny went to go lay the kids down to take a nap. Sunny comes back out and sits next to you, rapping his arm around your waist. "The kids are asleep!" He says. "Now there is nice piece and quiet for a little while!" You say glad to have a break. "Sunny, how long have you been working here?" You ask. "I'm not sure, I can't remember but I love working here. Sorry!" He says not able to answer your question. "It's okay!" You say as you lay your head on his shoulder. "How's it going with getting moon to warm up to you?" He asks you. "Well he did actually let me cuddle him to sleep without being angry about it. As a matter of fact, he cuddled me back!" You say knowing your making a lot of progress. "That's great!" He said exited. You guys chatted together for about an hour and then Sunny went to check up on the kids (sorry I ran out of ideas😫😩). A few minutes later Sunny comes out with the kids. "Good afternoon children!" You say to them. "Good afternoon miss y/n!" They say. "Let's go eat snacks while we wait for your parents to arrive!" Sunny tells the children. They go eat snacks while the parents come and pick them up. Finally everyone left so you and Sunny clean up.   After you clean up you tell Sunny "I'm gonna get ready for bed." And you go home to do so. A couple seconds after you got back you heard over the speakers "thanks for coming to the Mega Pizza Plex! We hope you enjoyed your stay and you come back soon!"

Word count:754

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