Sundrop/Moondrop POV:

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S= Sundrop
M= Moondrop

S= the kids were weird today, they kept asking of me and y/n would get married and or we kissed.
S= what's so funny?
M= the kids, that is hilarious. You fell so embarrassed
S= hey it's not funny
M= yes it is
S= ...
M= ...
S= hey moon?
M= yes?
S= did you really fuck y/n?
M= ...
S= be honest, I won't be mad
M= yes...
S= oh okay, it fine so did I.
M= oh... sorry...
S= it's fine! We are kind of the same anyway so...
M= yea your right
S= I trust Sunshine with all my heart .
M= I can't believe I'm saying this but I don't think Starlight will leave us.
S= I love her so much
M= So do I
S= She is such a wonderful person
M= yea she is
S= Before you ask, it is almost lights out.
M= Okay, thanks Sunny.
S= Your welcome Moon.

Word count:161

Sundrop/Moondrop x femaleWhere stories live. Discover now