The Comfort Of The Night

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-Sorry my last chapter was really long so I made this one shorter😅-

Sunny sits next to you and raps his arms around you. He whispers sweet nothings into your ear. "Oh we still got to hang up Moons pictures!" You say. "I'll do it! I'll go get them from the arts and crafts table!" He says. A couple minutes later he comes back up with the art. "I found them!" He says exited to tape up more art. You hand him the tape from beside you. "Thanks Sunshine!" He says happily. He taped up the art and puts the tape back. "Moon will love it!" He says exited. He looks at the drawings on the wall to make sure he taped them enough when the lights turn off. "Aw man, I'll see you in the morning Sunshine!" He says. "I'll see you in the morning Sunny" you say. You sit there holding your knees with your head down. "These past 2 days were shit" you think to yourself. You don't even realize moon standing in front of you. "What's wrong?" Moon asks. You look up forgetting about him as you zoned out. "Oh just some demon child..." you say still sick of how life has treated you the past 2 days. "Ugh, I hate children, they are literally spawns of Satan." he says disgusted. It went silent. He can tell your really upset so he comes over and sits by you. "Why are you sitting my me, I thought you didn't like me?" You ask feeling like shit not caring how that sounded. Moon didn't answer, he stayed silent. You look over and he is also hugging his knees with his head down. You lean your head on his shoulder. You can feel how surprised he was that you did that and somehow know he is blushing. You feel his hand stroke your hair. "Maybe I do care about you a little..." he says. "Me and Sunny drew you some more art and taped it on your wall for you." You tell Moon. "Thanks starlight" he says. Before you respond you realize what he called you. "I mean-" he panics realizing what he just called you. You look up at him shocked. "It's fine, starlight is fine, as long as I can call you moon-pie." You say as you blush and smile. It is kind of dark but you see him smile and blush too. You pull him down gently to lay with you. You both cuddle each other and fall asleep to him stroking your hair. You can tell that he trusts you, a lot now. This time you hold him tight as you drift off to sleep.

Word count:441

Sundrop/Moondrop x femaleWhere stories live. Discover now