Bitter Sweet

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"Hey sunshine!" Sunny says sitting on the ledge. "Heyyyy, I told you I would be back!" you say, happy to see him. He hangs upside down on the ledge and holds on to it with his legs. You jump up and grab his hands and he pulls you up. "So, Watcha wanna do?" You ask. "Oooh we can tape the pictures we made for moon up on the wall!" He said. "Okay!" You reply. You grab some snacks and you guys go up to his room. You guys fix the pallet of pillows and blankets, then find the tape. Before you tape the picture up on the wall, the lights turn off. "Oh no!" He exclaims. "It's okay, I'll see you tomorrow Sunny!" You say. He starts twitching and shaking. As he becomes moon you tape the two pictures up. Behind you, you hear moon say "oh great, YOU'RE still here." "Hey Moon, me and sun made you more art for your wall!" You tell him. "Really?" He asks and walks closer to the wall. "Oh...thanks." He says not really happy about thanking you, but surprised that you made him something. "No problem!" You say putting away the tape. "But this doesn't mean I still trust you." He says. "That's fine, take your time!" You say to him. He sits down hugging his knees and yawns. "Why don't you sit in a chair instead of the cold hard ground?" You ask him. He looks up at you and glares. You sit down right next to him and lean your head on his shoulder. "Go away and leave me alone!" He says. You stood up and grabbed his hand to pull him to him feet. "What are you doing?" He asks trying to sound angry. You gently push him down on the pallet and lay next to him. "I am giving you the attention and love need" you say as you rap your arms around him. "Get the fuck off me!" He says but you ignore him. "Good Night Moon" you say as you try to fall asleep. You can tell he likes it but doesn't want to be broken even more. You snuggle closer to him and realize that he feels cold, unlike Sunny. You hear him grumble but you ignore it and go to sleep. If he didn't want to be cuddled, he could have easy moved your arms. You didn't even hold him that tight, just to be safe.

Word count:412

Sundrop/Moondrop x femaleWhere stories live. Discover now