An Akward Day

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You wake up feeling great. Then you remembered what happened, "I hope Sunny won't be mad." You think as you roll over and see Sunny lying by you. You shake Sunny a little bit and he wakes up. "Good Morning Sunshine!" He says happy to see you every morning. "Hey Sunny, can we talk for a sec?" You ask hoping he won't be mad for what happened last night."of coarse Sunshine! What's wrong?" He asks worriedly. "Please don't be mad but, me and Moon..." you started getting a knot in your stomach scared he would hate you. "I know what you mean! And it is fine! You can love us both!" He says making the knot in your stomach go away. You smile and give him a kiss on his check and he blushes. You both go downstairs and you grab breakfast as usual. You grab some and water and eat it then drink the water while watching Sunny gets everything ready. When you are done you help Sunny get everything ready. "Thanks Sunshine!" He says you guys go over to the ball pit as the children start sliding down the slide. "Good Morning friends! How are you guys today!" Sunny says exited to see them. "Good morning Sunny! Good morning miss y/n! We are doing good!" The kids say. "What do you guys want to do today?" Sonny asks. "We should draw!" Some kids say. "Okay!" Sunny says happily. You guys walk over to the drawing area and start drawing. "I'm going to draw Sunny and miss y/n getting married!" One kid says. "Me too!" Says another. You start blushing, you look over at Sunny and he is blushing to. You start drawing and get your mind off of what just happened. After a while of drawing everyone finished there drawings. "What should we do next?" Sunny asked the kids. "We should play hide and seek!" A kid said. All the kids agreed so you guys started a game of hide and seek. "Okay! Everyone go hide and I'll count to 20!" Sunny said exited. You hid in the play structure hoping he wouldn't think to look were you were in the play structure. After a little bit you heard Sunny and some kids getting closer. "Damn it they will definitely will find me now." You say but proud because you weren't the first to be found. Sunny and the kids come up to we're you were and Sunny spots you. "He craws towards you and says "found you!" "You should kiss Sunny!" I kid says to you. You both blush but then give him a little kiss on the check. Sunny looks shocked that you kissed him in front of the kids. "MISS Y/N KISSED SUNNY!" The kid says exited. You giggle and you all go find the last couple of kids. After you all found them you all did a vote of what you all were going to do next. "Let's do arts and crafts!" Most of the kids say. "You all are very artistic! That is amazing!" You say the the kids. You make some more art for moon. You all do arts and crafts till it was nap time. You ts nap time! You tell the kids. Okay miss y/n! They say. Sunny goes and puts the kids down for a nap. He comes back out and comes to set beside you. "The kids are asleep!" Sunny says while sitting down next to you. "Thats good!" You say while leaning into him. You starts to stroke your hair. "You seem tired sunshine." He says to you. "Just a little, but it happens a lot, it's fine!" You say. "You can rest while to kids sleep." He says. You were gonna pass but you figured a little nap wasn't going to hurt anything. You close your eyes and rest a little. You feel Sunny kiss you on the forehead. After an hour you feel Sunny get up. You set up and he looks back. "Oh I didn't know you were still awake! I have to go wake up the kids, I'll be right back!" He tells you. "Okay, I'll wait right here!" You say. "He is too sweet!" You think to yourself. Sunny comes back out with the kids. "Hey guys how was your nap?" You ask the kids. "It was good!" One kid says. "Did you and Sunny kiss while we were sleeping?" Another asks. "What is up with these kids?" You ask yourself. You and Sunny are blushing. "No we didn't, now it is time for snacks!" Sunny says and leads them to the snack room. As they eat snacks their parents come and pick them up. After you and Sunny clean up the place. "I'm going to go get ready for bed!" You say still thinking about what the kids said earlier. "Okay Sunshine!" He says and you go home to get ready for bed. You get yourself ready for bed and when your done you head back to the MPP daycare. As soon as you enter you hear "thanks for coming to the Mega Pizza Plex! We hope you enjoyed your stay and you come back soon!" "Hah! Right on time!" You think to yourself.

Word count:878

Sundrop/Moondrop x femaleWhere stories live. Discover now