Sundrop/Moondrop POV:

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S=the new daycare assistant seems really nice!
M=she's probably like the others
S=I think she will be different
M=you literally say that every time someone new comes, it is always the same
S=well maybe she is different
M=*scoffs* doubt it
S=why are you always so negative
M=why are always so positive
S=you don't have to be so protective over me you know
M=yea, I do
S=lighten up a little, you don't have to act like you don't give a shit about anything all the time
M=yea, I do
S=just please don't hurt her
S=Moon, please
M=fine but if she hurts you then she will be dead in less than a second
S=Aw, you do actually care about me
M=fuck off
S=calm down I was only joking
M= whatever

Word count:151

Sundrop/Moondrop x femaleWhere stories live. Discover now