A Beautiful Night

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You woke up to Sunny sitting next to you and stroking you hair. You already feel a lot better than you were earlier. "Oh, Sunshine! Your awake!" Sunny says happily. "Thanks for taking care of me!" You say in a sleepy voice. Sunny blushes because he loves your sleepy voice. You sit up and lay your head on his shoulder. "I'm going to go get some snacks" you tell Sunny. "No, you stay here and rest Sunshine. I'll go get some for you!" He says smiling. You chuckle at how sweet he is. A couple minutes later he comes back with snacks. "Here you go Sunshine!" He says as he hands you some snacks. "Thanks Sunny!" You say as he lays next to you and you lay your head on where his stomach would be. You guys chat while you eat snacks for a little bit then you hear "thanks for coming to the Mega Pizza Plex! We hope you enjoyed your stay and you come back soon!" "I guess it is almost lights out. I wanted to spend more time with you." Sunny said sadly. "That's okay! We got tomorrow!" You say reassuringly. You stand up and pull Sunny to his feet. You rap him arms around his neck and he raps his arms around your waist. "Thanks for taking care of me Sunny" you say to him. "No problem Sunshine!" He says happily. You then go over to moons wall and look at the pictures he has. Then the lights go off. You hear Sunny twitching and shaking. "I wonder what is is like being an animatronic?" You ask yourself. You then hear Moon say "Ugh, why are you still here? They usually leave by now.""well I'm not planning on leaving any time soon" you tell him. "Sure you aren't" he mutters. "Why are you always looking at my wall? Why not Sunnies?" He growls. "Because I want to see all the wonderful drawing you have." You tell him. "Why do you act like you care about us so much?" Moon says. You walk over to him, "because I do. I know why you don't trust me but I love you both a lot." You grab his hands as as you explain to him. He looks at you shocked but then goes back to looking like he doesn't give fuck. You can tell he was blushing a little. "Sure you do, just so you know I still don't and won't care if anything happens to you." He says as he looks away. "Oh you don't? What if I do this?" You walk to the sofa and to stand on top of it. "What the hell are you doing?" Moon asks. You stand on top of the seat. "What if he doesn't catch me? What if he is telling the truth? No, I think he will catch me." You think to yourself. "Trust fall!" You yell as you fall off the seat on purpose. You pray that he actually cares and catches you. You see Moon leap forward and catch you in a blur. You close your eyes just in case he doesn't catch you. You feel him holding you (bridle style) and you open your eyes. You look up and see him starring at you blushing. He looked like he was worried because you almost hit the ground. "See, I new you cared." You say while you smiled at him. He goes back to looking pissed off and quickly puts you down. "It's just... I don't know what I would do if you got hurt. Sunny would think it was his fault and I think you know how that would go." He says looking a little sad. "Aww you do care!" You say exited. He looks at you and smiles a little, it looks like he zoned out. "What?" You ask trying to mess with him. He realizes he zoned out and looks away blushing. "No need to be embarrassed, I care about you too!" You take his hand and make him lay down with you. You rap your arms around him and go to sleep. "Good night Moon." You say, but he doesn't say a word.
You wake up in the middle of the night. You realize that's Moon fell asleep and is holding you. You feel you need to stretch but you don't want to wake him. "He looks really cute when he sleeps." You think to yourself. You go back to sleep with his arms rapped around your body.

Word count:755

Sundrop/Moondrop x femaleWhere stories live. Discover now