A Spicy Night

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"Hey Sunshine!" He says in the snack room. "I grabbed some snacks for you!" He says with a handful of snacks. You smile at how kind he is. "Here, let me help you!" You say grabbing some snacks from his arms. You both go up into his room. You eat snacks while watching tv. "You stand up and stretch. "Watcha doing Sunshine?" Sunny asked. "Just stretching." You tell him. He stands up with you. "Don't worry, I'm not going anywhere!" You say rapping your arms around his neck. He raps his arms around your waist. "I love you and Moon so much, and equally." You say smiling. You know Moon is super happy to hear you say that. You start to kiss Sunny. He backs you up onto a wall and pins you on it. You guys start to make out forgetting it is almost lights out. He slides his hands under your shirt and takes it off. He starts kissing your necks while squeezing your b00bs. You start to quietly moan. You pull him down to the pallet and now your on bottom and he's on top. He takes off your pants and starts to make out with you again. All of a sudden the lights go out and moon is in Sunnies place. "Look what I've come into" he says grinning. "You must be rewarded for what you said!" He says exited. "What? That I love you both equally with all my heart?" You ask smirking and rapping your arms around his neck. "Yes, that." He says starting to eat you out. You moan. He makes his way up your body and then puts his yk in your yk (for the last time I'm not gonna type this lmao✋🏼 👀🤚🏼) you moan while he does it and you start sliding your hands down his arms. You guys start to make out again and then you guys get dressed. "Oh Starlight, your so beautiful." He says to you. You chuckle and say "thanks Moon-pie," as you smile at him. You both cuddle each other to sleep while he strokes your hair. You wake up the next Morning to Sunny stroking your hair. "Good morning Sunshine!" He says. "Morning Sunny!" You say as you kiss him. You guys make out for a minute then head down to get breakfast. You grab a pop tart and eat it while cuddling with Sunny. You guys get ready for the day while chatting with each other. You realize that even though he is an animatronic, and even though he is two in one, you will always love him, well both of them, until the day you die. You will never leave there sides, and you will do anything to stay by his side, forever.

Word count: 461

Sundrop/Moondrop x femaleWhere stories live. Discover now