A Lovely Night

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You grab snacks and go up to suns room. Him lifting you up so you u can get up to his room still gives you butterflies. "today was actually a good day!" you say with relief. "Glad to hear that Sunshine!" He says happily. You see Sunny with the art you made moon and some tape. "Watcha doing? you ask already knowing what he is doing but asking anyways to break the silence. "Taping the pictures we made for moon on the wall!" He says happily. You take your art and tape it on the wall. "There we go! Moon with love it!" You say exited for him to see it. You look over at Sunny and he looks kind of sad. "What's wrong Sunny? Did I say something to offend you?" You start to panic like Sunny does. "No, it's just..." he cuts himself off. You grab his hands. "You can tell me anything." You tell him. "He puts both of his hands on your cheeks. "Promise me you won't leave us!" He says worriedly. You kiss him, "I promise I won't ever leave you if I can't help it." You tell him. He raps his arms around your waist and you rap your arms around his neck. You lay your head on his shoulder. The lights flicker off but you don't realize what's happening, your to deep in though to realize Sunny switched to moon. "Starlight?" He says. You pull back "oh god! I'm so sorry!" You said embarrassed. "It-it's okay." He says. You can see that his face is red and he has a surprised look on is face. You guys stand there for a little bit but then he does something that shocked you. He walks back on to you and puts your hands around his neck, and puts his hands around your waist. You stand there in complete shock. "What the actual fuck is happening? I think that he trusts me, and maybe...likes me?" You start thinking with thoughts rushing to your head. "M-moon-pie?" You say scared to tell him what's on your mind. "Yes starlight?" He says. "I-" you stop scared of what would happen if you said it. "It's okay Starlight, you can talk to me." He says. There's something about his voice, you used to be scared of it a little, now it's... soothing? "I-I love you" you said and freeze. You feel him freeze too, you hope you didn't ruin the connection between each other. You feel his finger slide up your body and to your chin. You feel him lift up your chin so you guys look at each other. "I've been wanting to do this for a long time." You feel butterflies knowing what he is talking about. You both start to make out. He backs you up to a wall and pins you on it. "May I?" He says asking for permission. You give a nod and takes off your guys' clothes. He playfully pushes you down and gets on top of you. "I'm glad you came here y/n" he says right before eating you out. You moan "o-oh my g-god!" as he does. Then he puts his yk in your yk (again sorry but I am not going type that lol 🙂🔫). "Oh m-moon-" you say stuttering on your words. Moon grins really big. "W-what's wrong S-starlight?" He asks teasing you. You push him over so now your on top. You start making out with him again and when you guys are done you get your clothes back on. Then you eat snacks and while you do he plays with your hair. Then when your done you lay on were his stomach would be and you fall asleep and he holds your hand and plays with your hair with his other hand. Before you fall asleep you hear "goodnight Starlight" and feel moon kiss your forehead.

Word count:658

Sundrop/Moondrop x femaleWhere stories live. Discover now