Sundrop/Moondrop POV:

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S= *sigh* I love y/n....
M=pfft, yeah right
S=what do you mean
M= I don't trust her, she seems untrustworthy
S=you say that about everyone
M=because everyone is
S=she's not untrustworthy, she's beautiful, kind, smart, funny-
M=CAN YOU STOP BEING SO GULLIBLE? Your such a fucking idiot
M=oh come on sun you know I didn't-
S=no, I am...
M=I just... don't want to see you hurt again. You are my best friend and I would do anything to protect you.
S=thanks Moon
M=yeah yeah whatever...

Word count:102

Sundrop/Moondrop x femaleWhere stories live. Discover now