The Fever

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You wake up before Sunny does. You see him sleeping in his chair. You go to sit on his lap facing him and put your arms around his neck. "You could've slept with me the whole night." You said as he woke up. He smiles at the sight of you. "I didn't want to wake you up! You looked comfortable." He said smiling at you. "It is okay if you wake me up, I could just go back to sleep. It wouldn't bother me!" You tell him smiling at his lovely face. "I'm going to go get something to eat, wanna come down with me?" You ask. "Of course Sunshine!" He says. You grab some cereal bars and sit by Sunny on the bench while you eat breakfast. Once your done you guys set up for the kids. "We got done a little early, go us!" You say. Sunny smiles at you happily. "Sunny, can I ask you a question?" You ask. "Of coarse Sunshine, what do you want to know?" He asks you. "What happened to the other daycare attendants?" You ask. He starts to look sad. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-" he cuts you off. "No it's alright. What happened to them was they would act like they cared about me, but would either leave to go home but never come back, or would see moon and he would scare them. He would know.." he trails off. "Oh I'm so sorry! You say feeling bad. "No it okay! Now you know why Moon acts like an asshole all the time!" He laughs but you can tell he is sad. "Oh it's about time for the kids to arrive!" You say to break the silence. "Oh yay I'm exited to see my friends!" He says exited. The kids started to come down the slide into the ball pit. Good morning miss y/n! Good morning Sunny! "Helllooooo friends, good morning to you too!" He says exited. You are exited to play with the little kids but all of a sudden you feel warm and start sweating. "Are you okay y/n? You look warm, are you sick?" He asks as he feels your head. You can tell he is worried but you try to play it off. "Yea, I'm fine!" You start to feel like you are going to pass out. "Im going to go get some water!" You say and sprint to the snack room. You drink a cup of water and go back out to the kids. You try to ignore the heat, sweating, and lightheadedness as best you could. You went and sat down with the kids at the arts and crafts table. You kept catching Sunny staring at you with a worried face. "Are you sure you don't want to go take a break?" Sunny asked. "Oh I'm fine! I don't want to get in trouble or anything, I'm just gonna keep working. Plus I don't want you to have to do everything by yourself!" You explained. You guys colored for around an hour until a couple kids said they were bored. "Let's go do something else fun!" Sunny said. You stood up but then everything went black. You woke up feeling better, but realized You were in Sunnies room. You groan as you sit up from the pallet of blankets and pillows. You see Sunny pop in to check on you. "Y/N, YOUR AWAKE!" You shouts as he lifts you up by your torso. "What happened?" You asked confused. "You passed out after you stood up." he said. "Oh" you respond and you lay back down.

                    Sundrops pov:
Y/n didn't look so good, I think she has a fever. Her forehead felt warm and sweaty. When we were coloring I kept looking her to make sure she was okay. She didn't look okay but she didn't want to stop working either. She is scared she will get in trouble if she takes to long of a break. I told her it was fine but she said she also didn't want me to do all the work. I finally thought that she might be okay to wok the rest of the day, but then when we were going to go do something else, I heard a THUMP! After y/n stood up she passed out on the floor. "Y/N!" I shouted as a ran to her. She definitely needed the rest of the day off to rest. If they try to fire her or something I won't let them, I will do my best to protect her from getting in trouble. "Uhm- let's go do arts and crafts!". They all go and do arts and crafts while I carry y/n up to my room. I check on her every minute to see if she is awake while I sit on the ledge and watch the kids. She finally woke up, I was so worried. She seems really tired so I let her continue sleeping. She is so beautiful, I have never met anyone like her. So amazing and kind, I hope she stays with us forever.

Word count:858

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