A Strange Night

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You woke up to Sun sitting right next you. "Oh shit I fell asleep didn't I?" you asked. "You did but it's fine! I cleaned everything up and all the children went home!" he said. "I'm sorry, god damn it I already failed at my job." you said putting your hands to your face in embarrassment. "Hey! Don't think like that!" He said as you gently pulled your hands away from your face. "It is your first day! I bet your amazing!" He said while stroking your hair. All of a sudden you heard the speakers you heard "thanks for coming to the Mega Pizza Plex! We hope you enjoyed your stay and you come back soon!" "Oh shit now I'm not going to be able to leave and go home!" You said. "WE CAN HAVE A SLUMBER PARTY!" Sunny said exited. "I guess so, yeah." You said thinking about how cute he is. You went to the snack room and grabbed some things to eat and some water. "Do you want to go up to my room?" He asked. "Yeah sure, let's go!" You said. He lifted you up by your waist which gave you butterflies this time. You quickly set your snacks down and pulled yourself up. Sunny made a place for you to sleep. A bunch of blankets stacked on top of each other and a bunch of pillows. "Thanks!" You tell him. "Anytime!" He replied. All of a sudden the lights shut off. "oh nO, NO, NO!" He screamed. "What's wrong? Are you okay?" You say. "DON'T LOOK AT ME! RUN! HIDE! LIGHTS ON! LIGHTS ON! AAAAAAAHH!" He shrieked. He fell in front of the couch where you couldn't see him. All of a sudden it went quiet but then you heard"naughty naughty y/n, you must be PUNished" and then an evil laugh. Then you saw someone that looked like Sunny stand up but he was a Moon.

 "WHO THE HELL ARE YOU?" You screamed

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"WHO THE HELL ARE YOU?" You screamed. He frowned and said" Aw you don't like me? That makes me sad." You go to turn around and jump into the ball pit but before you can he pins you to the wall. One hand on your chest and the other on your hip. "It's past your bedtime y/n, you must be punished you naughty naughty-" you cut him off and say "what happened to Sunny?"he leans closer and says "stop acting like you give a fuck about us, because I know that you don't give damn (haha bish you thought they would make out already!). You will be here for a small amount of time, let Sunny get attached to you, and then you'll leave and break his heart just like everyone else.""what are you talking about? I'm going to work here for as long as I can, and I care about Sunny! Now I don't know who you are but let me go!" you yelled. "Sun didn't tell you about me? Aw what a pitty. You see when lights are on sun gets to play, but when lights off, it's MY turn to PLAY!" He chuckles. "See me and Sunny are the same, what do you call us? Ah yes, animatronic." he says. "Please just let me go I'm not going to hurt anyone, why would I?" you explain. He glared at you for a couple seconds. "You know sun is already attached to you big time, so if you hurt him, I will not hesitate to kill you." He says as he strokes my cheek. "I don't trust you and I never will" he mutters as he lets you go. You lay down on the palette Sun made you. You slightly opened one eye to see moon glaring at you. You try not to worry about what just happened and go to sleep.

Word count:632

Sundrop/Moondrop x femaleWhere stories live. Discover now