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He softened, but he didn't tell his mother what was bothering him. He only needed her warmth, his mother's warmth.

" Whatever it is that you're facing, mamí's always right behind you." she gave him one last kiss on the forehead before leaving his room as she needed to pack for Antonio.

He felt relief.

" Mi vida, this is the first time I cried in mamí's arms." he talked to the promise ring. " You really are something, aren't you?" he kissed it and finished packing.

He went towards his brother's room where Pepa's side of the family is gathered. He smiled at his big sister who gave him an unexpected hug.

" She's strong milo, and you should be too. " she cupped his cheek.

The family set their bags on the van as the time had come to go. Camilo burned through no time and pushed his family, anxious to see you again after an entire damn week.


" Princesa, you sure you don't wanna come? " Hugo asks you and snakes his arms on your waist.

a la mierda, only Camilo can call you that.

" No, I'm tired. And I certainly don't want to waste my energy with you." You smiled and pulled his arm away. Hugo then grabbed your chin making you face him.

" Now I don't know what your problem is but as long as you're under our roof, you don't get to talk or treat me that way understood?" he growled, his face inches away from yours.

" I asked you a question." he slapped your right cheek with his free hand making you nod as tears welled up your eyes. He kissed you forcibly, biting and ripping your lips with his teeth, causing you to quiver and bleed. You didn't want any of it, and you're far too young for this.

He was even worse than your father, and you did all you could to defend yourself and avoid him. You had somehow moved to Hugo's house, making the situation worse. You simply wanted it to be over.

He heard his father call for him making him drop you, smirking proudly, then walked away.

You sat on the windowsill with your feet hanging. You glanced around and saw your dad campaigning with Nicolas and Hugo. Legislative issues are only a fight between liars, politics. Your body felt numb, you skipped suppers, not having any desire to confront your dad. Particularly Hugo. The breeze brushed your hair sending you shudders, your feet influencing. You peer down, you were 4-stories up. You were curious about what it was like to die. The bird you spoke with a few days earlier has joined you.

" Hello little one, Are they doing alright?" the bird just tilted its head and flew. " Let's fly away together. " 

You snickered as you tasted blood. You were at a loss for what to do. Your hands, which had been holding you hard to keep you from falling, were gradually releasing their grip. Your eyelids were already half-closed since it was hard to see due to the tears that had been falling ceaselessly. You took a deep breath and let go, smiling to yourself. This was the end of anything and everything.

Everything was moving very slowly, and you could feel gravity tugging you down. You began to recall the memories that mean the most to you. Gossiping with Dolores, playing with Antonio, doing errands with Luisa, makeup with Isabela, embroidery with Mirabel, and spending time with your mother and everyone you treasured dearly, 

especially Camilo..

You chuckled to yourself as you felt the ground descending. You closed your eyes and recalled the times Camilo had told you he loved you. You'll die with content this way.

" Isabela! Vine! " A familiar voice yelled out. You heard the rustle of leaves and felt a rope wrapped around your waist, securing you before gradually lowering your body to a set of familiar hands that were now embracing you. You blacked out because all you could see was light and you couldn't figure out who was carrying you.


The Madrigals arrived after an hour as the town wasn't that far away. The grown-ups then went to talk and introduced the family to the townspeople while the kids wandered around. 

Camilo saw three men campaigning from a distance. All he needed to do know is to find where Y/n is staying. 

Antonio's pet bird then yanked the jewelry off his neck, causing Camilo to chase him. The bird guided him to Y/n's location.  Camilo panicked when he observed a female attempting to fall and called for his sister. They came quickly, and Camilo pointed to the girl who had just released go and yelled for his cousins to assist him. Isabela ordered her vines to grab her, and Camilo dashed towards the girl, grabbing her body as the vines gently released her.

The girl's knotted hair obscured her face and rendered her unrecognizable. Camilo was supposed to hand her over to the men he saw earlier campaigning, but he recognized your father, causing him to pause. He stroked her hair away from her face, and there she was, the love of his life in his arms, whom he had just saved from eternal slumber.

"  mariposa ! "  he cried out, hugging her body tightly

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