CHAPTER 11: TWICE vs. Loki and the Chitauri Army [PART 1]

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Dr. Eun placed the iridium on the Tesseract, making it activate. It blasted through the sky as it starts to form a portal from above. It grew bigger and bigger which made the people of Seoul starts to run in terror.

The portal became so large that the Chitauri are now finally able to enter. The chief of the Chitauri did a gesture to move, resulting for them to now enter Earth. A bunch of random Chitauri creatures appeared, some are riding a floating motorcycle-like thingie and some are like a huge dragon alien which being protected with alarge pieces of metal that kinda serves as their armor.

TWICE arrives at Seoul and parks the Quinjet just in front of a park. All of them exits the Quinjet and looked upwards to the sky, watching the Chitauris enterting continously.

The Chitauris starts to blast everyone and everything in their way, finally giving the streets and structures of Seoul a total destruction. Some innocent Koreans got shotz resulting in some to got injured or for others which is worse... death.

"They're starting to have their move now. We need to do the same.", Jeongyeon said. "Loki must've been here for sure, and we need to find him."

"We also need to take care of the Chitauris too. Loki treats like some sort of a distraction, so we better be not let ourselves got too focused at them.", Jihyo said.
"Let's make a plan now."

All of them gathered and walked close to Jihyo. "Alright, Nayeon you go to Dr. Eun and try to confront him about closing the portal. Jeongyeon, Momo, Sana, Chaeyoung; you four stay fighting the Chitauris on the ground. I'll go find Loki somewhere and take the fighting at the air along with Nayeon and Tzuyu...", Jihyo paused for a second which made everyone who has their ears all present to her gave a look at Tzuyu, waiting for what she's about to do.

"... i think it's about time to go rampage. Both ground and on air.", Jihyo pointed Tzuyu using her index finger. Tzuyu smirked, nodded after what Jihyo commands her to do.

"Got it.", she then grunts in anger, with veins popping out on her neck and some parts as she's making herself get mad so that she can transform. She successfully did it when the smokes starts to come out on her hands, foot and head with her skin changing from white to red.

Tzuyu finally transformed into Savage after her body parts that are smoking finally lit up with fire. She growls and the others starts to do their own fighting stance, looking around at what's happening.

"Alright, girls... let's go and kick some ass.", Jeongyeon as all of them starts to move. Nayeon gave a last nod to Jeongyeon with smile, whsipering 'good luck' to her before she activated her Bluestrike suit and starts to flew away from them. Jihyo then switches to her Lady Thor side and flew just after Nayeon, spinning her mighty Mjolnir hammer fast before levitating.

Bluestrike arrived at the rooftop of the building where Dr. Eun is just standing in front of the power source holding the Tesseract which is now activated directly through the sky. Bluetsrike lands down and Nayeon opens the mask, revealing her face then she started to talk with the doctor.

"Dr. Eun!", Nayeon shouted, Dr. Eun turned around to face her.

"Miss Im Nayeon, there you are."

"How did you get the device? Did you hurt anyone in my school?!", her voiced raised a bit.

"I didn't, but Loki and the other's did.", Dr. Eun confessed.

"Fuck... WHAT DID HE DO?", Nayeon walked closer to Dr. Eun.

"Let's just say he's just clearing anyone who stands in his way.", Dr. Eun fixed his eyeglasses.

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