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No one has ever made it this far in the west.

A black cloaked figure slowly made his way through the thick trees with a satchel clutched in his black gloved hands. Finally he had arrived.

A black lake with black stagnant water sat in front of the figure. He pulled out a glass vial and filled it with the contents from the lake. Finally it was done. "This will make them regret," he chuckled, a raspy cackle erupted from him and echoed through the woods. 

Someone else joined in- a female- but this cackle, was loud. Louder than ever.

Heya it's me! Author speaking here! Before we enter the mystical world of Krewdom, I like to share some words with you for information.

The series consists of 5 books, one for each character, and it all begins with the woman we know, Itsfunneh. She's a gamer on her channel Itsfunneh- as so called her name- and a member of Krew, which is her family. Youtuber vibes :)

Also, there's something important you should know. My sister Lexi and I are the authors of this series. And now Lexi's offline, so I'd give her a shout out loud for her. 

Okay, with that all in mind, let's sit back, relax and enjoy the first book. Hope that it'll take you on adventures too.

- Lexi and Christine :)

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