Part 12- Another Beginning

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I met up with Gold, Rainbow and Lunar in the castle's massive dining hall. Rainbow looked a lot better compared to the previous time I saw her, her arm completely healed with no signs of bruises, burns or whatsoever. The three of them sat in the throne like chairs, happily chatting away about the designs they had planned for the castle. It was nice that they were happier, and I listened in with keen ears, but deep down I knew that it wouldn't last forever.

Apparently breakfast was served at 7 am here, I just found out. Lunch was at 12 pm and dinner was at 6 pm. Famished, I devoured down three servings of food. Hey I was starving alright? And the cooks here make very good food! Fluffy waffles, aroma teasing apple pie, golden pancakes, and jugs and jugs of every fruit juice existing. Oh yum. Maybe I should share some of these to Cook Marianne when the castle gets rebuilt.

Emerelda came in later and informed us that she was sending five of her best architects and at least twenty builders to krewdom to help rebuild the west wing and the village. We of course, were very grateful. It was nice that Emerelda was keen to help us.

After chugging down my fourteenth glass of juice- who's counting?- Gold told me that I would have a lesson with Lady Gisela. Oh dear, please pray for me. 

Lady Gisela's temporary bedroom was a hybrid of white and scarlet. Initially she was supposed to stay in the guest room, but it was under maintenance (because somehow a visitor sat in the armchair and the springs came loose and she flew out of the window) so we would be having lessons in her bedroom.

I wished I had arrived later, because when I stepped inside, not only did the blend of colors kill my eyes, but the strong perfumed smell literally damaged my sinuses. It smelled like one of the expensive perfumes that Gold wears when she goes for special occasions. I should have known, Lady Gisela was a fan of classy perfumes. The smell made me light headed and nauseated. I better not puke, or Lady Gisela would actually kill me.

"Ah Princess Kat, greetings to you. Have you been well?" she asked in the high pitched voice that made my ears bleed. So cringy, my goodness. "Princess Kat!" she said sharply. "I asked you a question, and you simply know what to do right? Besides staring into space?"

Uhm, it's quite obvious. Ignore it, I thought. "Excuse me Lady Gisela, I suppose I'm still tired from the trip here," I said sweetly, my voice dripping with sarcasm and disgust. 

I guess she noticed my sarcasm, but she ignored it. "Ah well then, I suppose we all are," she said, then shuddered. "Ugh I thought I saw a nasty rat scuttling down the halls. Oh how I miss our old castle." I tuned out her extremely annoying rant and watched a spider skitter up the glass case of perfume sitting on the dressing table. I grinned, Lady Gisela was gonna have a little case of bug guts in her perfume. 

"-goodness it's just awful! Anyways, time to focus. My dear Princess Kat, I've recently noticed that your posture is horribly awful! I guarantee that the palace guard dog can walk better then you. Especially at Rainbow's ball! My goodness, I cannot believe that you tripped in front of the whole krewdom and embarrassed me like that! I am going to correct that immediately, IF IT'S THE LAST THING I WOULD DO." 

So for the next hour, she made me walk around the room in straight lines with a pile of books on my head. Every time I stumbled, she would shake her head and spray another gag worthy spritz of perfume into the air. I had no clue if she was just freshening up the air, or if she was just annoying me.

The smell became so unbearable and I was so light headed I tripped over the rug and the books went crashing around me. "Oh my stars Princess Kat, that isn't very lady-like! Do get up now, and be pleased that no one is around. I can't imagine the mockery I would face!" she said hysterically. But I wasn't listening. I was focused on keeping my breakfast down. Black dots dimmed my vision and I blinked, regretting immediately when my muscles contracted. I couldn't hold it down and *Stuff that is now redacted for privacy issues.* Ooh there goes my breakfast.

Lady Gisela shrieked like a banshee and darted to the bathroom with her skin a pale white. "Now that's not very lady-like!" I retorted as I heard bleching sounds from the bathroom. Lady Gisela's scream triggered a very large scene and alerted a lot of maids and guards. They rushed in just in time to see the large puddle of my 'breakfast' and a very green Lady Gisela stalking out from the bathroom. 

"Princess Kat is everything all right?" asked a maid, helping me to my feet as the other maids cleaned up the mess. I flushed in embarrassment. "Yes I am, thank you," I said. Thank god the maids and guards didn't know me that well. 

The maids and guards removed the 'breakfast' stained rug from the room and the maid guided me to the medical room, where the nurse was waiting for me. "Ah Princess Kat," she said. "I've been waiting for you-" She stopped when she saw my red pallor. "Good heavens why are you so red? Do you have a fever?" she asked and rushed towards me.

"She's fine maam," said the maid. "But she did lose her breakfast in Lady Gisela's room." The nurse snorted and shooed the maid away. "Serves the stupid swine right," she mumbled. "She's absolutely the worst! Don't tell anyone, alright?" she quickly added when she saw my stunned face. I grinned. "Sure thing."

The nurse checked on my wound and declared it healed, but she made me drink an elixir just in case. 

When I exited the room, I decided to have a good run in my good old running shoes, no more boring books for me! :)

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