Part 20- Nobody Will Win

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Draco missed me by a hair.

I lay on the ground, needing time to absorb all this in. It was then realization hit me in the face, and I turned, just to make sure my sight wasn't hallucinating.

Yep, my family was still there.

I glared and gasped at them. "What the heck? What are you doing here?" I yelled. Or the perfect question should be, "HOW DID YOU KNOW?" Rainbow gave a me a teasing smirk. "You gotta cover you tracks better, Funneh." I glanced behind them and saw all the royal guards led by Alec. Some of the village folk were there too.

Draco slurred a bunch of swear words under his breath. "YOU PROMISED!" he roared. I just shook my head. "I swear, I didn't know!" Gold stepped up. "Draco! You are being apprehended for attempted murder and destruction to the kingdom. Surrender or we'll fight." I smacked an open palm to my forehead and shoved Gold away as she said it. 

"Stay out of this Gold," I snapped. "This is my fault. I don't need you or the guards. I can do this." Gold gritted her teeth. "This is mine also," she shot back. "We can do this, together." A hint of warmth and love stayed in her eyes, and for a moment I wanted to agree. But then the horrible memories of our fight flooded back and the cold darkness washed out all my feelings. "No we won't," I said, tearing a hand through my hair. "I am repeating myself 1 last time, stay out of this. I have better things to do now."

I turned on my heel and walked back to Draco with my head high. "My sword," I demanded. Draco let out a growl and snapped his fingers. My sword then appeared in front of me, stabbed into the ground. I pulled it out and felt a surge of energy filling an empty part of my body. Like I was finally back in the right place. I looked back at Draco. "Fight me Draco, like what you agreed to," I said, surprised at how confident I sounded. Draco even had a hint of worry on his face.

He paused for a moment, then clapped his hands. A sword appeared in his palm, the handle made out of a dark wood with bits of dark jewel on it and a long blade of glittering black metal. He lunged to me with the sword raised. I leaped past him, barely missing the blade. I stuck out my leg as he ran over again, only to trip over me. He tumbled to the ground and his sword skidded across the ground. I hurried over and kicked the sword away. The sword fell endlessly down the peak, and a clang at the bottom indicated that it had broke.

Draco's face was a mix of horror and rage, but he still lunged to me. I slashed my sword to block his hit and once again, he fell down. ( Ouch that must hurt LOL ) I pressed my boot against his stomach and raised my sword over him. Yes I was hurting my brother, but did I have any choice? No.

My blade went down, aimed to his throat... it almost stabbed him and....

Draco rolled away, leaping back to his feet.

"You are funny sister," he snarled. "Try to block this!" He snapped his fingers, and a black ball of magic appeared in his hand. He whipped it to my head but I blocked it with my sword. It crashed to the ground and I sliced it, sending bright flashes of purple to the air. I ran up to Draco, swung my sword and slashed it across his knees.

Draco dropped to the ground as blood flowed out of his legs. He roared at me and hurled another dark magic orb to me. Luckily, I reflected the magic with my sword and it crashed into Draco's chest, making him fly across the peak and hitting hard against a boulder.

He leapt back to his feet again, charging to me wildly. He sent another magic orb to me and it hit my arm. I screamed as I heard the bones in it break with a loud crack. By some miracle I twisted over and kicked Draco away. My arm was hanging at my side like a foreign object and pain shot up my senses as I got back to my feet. Draco seized the opportunity and he lunged to me, grabbing me by my tunic collar and thrusting me away. I rolled across the ground to the edge of the cliff, dangerously near it. Then there was a bright flash of light, an explosion and a deathly scream. I whipped around.

Gold was pushed to an edge of the cliff, a crack forming quickly between safety and falling off. Draco loomed to her and smirked at her like a cat trapping a tiny helpless bird. "One small movement, and your life can end," he said. Another crack was starting to break near me and I was facing another dilemma. If I ran over and saved Gold, my life could stop there. But at the same time, if I stood there longer, I could fall and both me and Gold's lives will end. It's death and death, but I couldn't decide.

A whimper escaped from Gold as the earth around her slowly crumbled. Rocks tumbled down to the ground, disappearing without a trace. She was almost there, and...I knew what I had to do. I got up and ran to Draco, pushing him away and he tumbled into the battles, lost in chaos. I ran over to Gold, tears springing in my eyes.

"Gold, you have to listen to me," I said. Gold's face filled with worries and she opened her mouth to say something, but I put my hand over it. "Listen to me Gold," I repeated. She listened. "I-I need you to take c-c-care of our sisters. G-get Draco back f-for me al-also please. A-and, I need y-you to f-forget me," I whispered, my voice beginning to tremble. Gold caught on and she grabbed my arms. "N-no, Funneh. What a-are you s-saying?" she whispered back. I smiled sadly and pulled her into a hug, maybe this was my last embrace with her. "I-I love you Gold," I sobbed, the tears flowing down freely. "I-I'm really s-sorry for everything, a-and I wish I had m-more time to e-explain. B-but, just l-listen, please." Gold began to cry. "Funneh, don't." Draco was beginning to come closer to us again, I had to do this. I pulled away from Gold, staring at her with a sad smile.

"I love you Gold. Get Draco back."

I shoved Gold away as the earth beneath me caved in and soon, I was falling. I caught sight of Gold falling to her knees and crying loudly. I saw Alec and Kyran staring at me with horror. I saw Rainbow and Lunar trying to comfort Gold with their own tears. My tears whipped into the sky and my ears caught some of their voices, thought what they said were blurred out from the rushing wind. Really, it was really the end for me.

I caught a glimpse of my right calf. It was dark and scabbed around my wound. At least I never had to bother about it anymore to where I'm going. The cliff was getting smaller, and the ground below me was getting closer. 

I really hoped that Krew would save the world without me. I really hoped that they would find my body and have a funeral. Maybe my name would go down in history, and no one would forget me. A war hero, that sounded nice. 

When I was young, I always wondered how I would die. Falling off a cliff was my worst choice, but I was experiencing it now. It's fine by me, my sacrifice ensured Gold's survival. Watching my family from the stars with my mom and dad was a perfect way to end things. I'll always love the Krew, no matter what.

My body finally hit the ground and the lights went out of my head. At last...

Mom and dad, don't worry. I'll be there soon with you.

To Be Continued... :)

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