Part 6- Blazes

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It's been weeks since Draco had attacked us at the ball. Yet Krewdom was in an uproar. I took a trip to the village with Lunar, Gold and Rainbow three days ago, spending our time helping the folks. Most of the villagers freaked and locked themselves in their homes. Some went on their way to carry out their daily lives, as if nothing had happened. Some even rushed up to us with worried expressions, asking if I was okay. Well, I was. But in a way. The physical pain was gone, but the emotional pain was so bad right now.

Today the heavens opened, and the castle grounds were covered in puddles. Me and the rest of my family spent our evening in the castle library. I was sitting in one of the overstuffed armchairs reading a good mystery book about a ghost finding out the reason behind her death. Gold was at one of the antique tables writing a letter on a piece of parchment to one of our allies. Lunar was also reading a book; she seemed very amused according to the smiles she had on her face. Rainbow was staring outside through the large window, watching the small drops of rain splash everywhere. 

Candlelight lit up the library, with shelves of books lining every wall, from chapter books to history books. A large silver globe stood in the center majestically, shining from the light. A fireplace at the back of the room burned with flames, flashing orange and yellow at times. The evenings were the best, we could always watch the sun set from the south and see the stars and moon twinkle above us. All was peaceful.

That's why I didn't expect something terrible to happen.

As I flipped to another page, a voice screamed suddenly in my mind. FUNNEH! YOU HAVE TO GET OUT! It was Draco, again. I grunted. Why do I need to do so? I called back mentally to him. All is well here. Yet still, he stubbornly refused. Funneh, you gotta listen to me! he yelled in my head. Something terrible is gonna happen, and if you don't get out, you're gonna be in big trouble! And still, I ignored. Go away Draco, everything's fine. He went quiet, so I figured he gave up. But he called back, I warned you Funneh. Yet you still won't do it. Fine, let's get this party started.

He faded away after that. I turned back to my book and tried to enjoy the relaxing moment, but suddenly the double doors to the library crashed open. Alec charged inside, covered in sweat and...ash? "Your highnesses," he panted. "We have to get out now." I slotted my book back into the shelf and walked over. "What's happening? And why are you covered in ash?" He hacked a cough. "I have no time to talk, I need you all to evacuate from the premises." He grabbed our hands and pulled us out. 

I smacked his hand away. "What. Is. Happening?" I repeated. "I have every right to know." Alec gulped. "I don't mean to scare you," he said nervously. "But somehow the west wing was set ablaze and now, it's burning the castle down." I went pale. This must be what Draco has been saying about. I kicked myself for not listening to him. 

Suddenly, Lunar let out a cry. "WHERE'S RAINBOW?" Me and Gold whipped our heads around and saw Lunar turning from bright red to a pale white. "I thought she was with you!" exclaimed Gold. Lunar shook her head. "And I thought she was with you!" Alec shook his head. "It's not safe your majesties. Go to the main lawn, I'll find Rainbow-" He was cut off when I wriggled out of his iron grip and charged down the hall, screaming Rainbow's name. "FUNNEH!" he growled, chasing after me. 

I ran like the wind, desperate to find Rainbow. I climbed a flight of stairs and suddenly, I froze. I  saw what Alec meant. The west wing was blazing with raging fires dancing madly around. I coughed as dark smoke filled the air and covered my nose with my tunic. Then I saw it. A black cloaked figure running the opposite direction from the fires. His hood covered most of his face, but I caught a shimmer of green. Draco. He was the one.

Suddenly, I was lifted off the ground bridal style. Alec had caught up to me. "Funneh, what do you think you are doing?!" he yelled. I tried to talk but I was so shaken by the events happening. "I- I saw Dr-Draco," I stammered. Alec stared at me. "The fumes must have made you nuts," he said. Alec walked over to one of the open windows and held me outside. "ALEC YOU IDIOT WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING?" I screamed. His eyes flashed with guilt. "Sorry Funneh."

Alec dumped me out not-so-romantically and I fell miles and miles back to earth. It was rare for me to be scared, but right now I was freaking out. The air whipped past me, taking my screams  with it. My hair flew around crazily. Just as I was about to fall to my impeccable doom, everything turned dark. No I wasn't passed out. I opened my eyes to see the blurry water that had broke my fall. The moat. Alec must have known before tossing me out like yesterday's lunch. I swam to the surface and gasped for air. Once I caught my breath, I kicked my legs and swam to the side of the moat. Then I clambered out and shivered. The water had been incredibly cold, and the wind was definitely not helping. I wrung my wet tunic and threw my head to the sky. "MY GOD ALEC YOU JUST DUMPED ME OUT OF A WINDOW!" I raged, shaking my fist to the window. 

Two more splashes caught my attention and both Lunar and Gold climbed out with widened eyes. "CURSE YOU ALEC!" yelled Gold. Lunar was more worried. "Where's Rainbow?" she asked. I looked up, expecting her to fall from the window, but that was it. No one else came out. "I have no idea, but I'm going back in," I said with my teeth chattering like a grinder. I spotted a crowd in front of the blazing castle. The castle staff.

"There, go there," I said. With arms wrapped around my chest, I headed back to the castle and smacked into a wall of muscle. "OW!" I screamed. Then I faced a pair of familiar grey eyes. "Kyran? What are you doing?" Gold asked from behind me. It was Kyran, one of the guards and another classmate from Yandere High. Goodness who's next? Yandere?

Kyran shot me a look. "No one's going back in the castle," he said. "The blaze is too strong, and with the wind, I'm afraid it may spread across the whole of Krewdom. I tried to push past his thick wall of muscle, but failed. "LET ME GO KYRAN!" I exploded. "RAINBOW IS STILL IN THERE! I NEED TO GET HER!" He shook his head. "Alec had already sent guards to find her. Don't worry." My insides were bubbling. HOW COULD I NOT WORRY? 

The fire was uncontrollable now, burning through the marble walls. More smoke filled the air, covering the midnight sky. "WE HAVE TO CONTAIN IT!" I threw my finger at a quadrant of guards. "You five, call the local fire brigade and get more people to use the water from the moat to handle the fire until they arrive!" I screeched. They all saluted and ran off. Hopefully it was fast enough.

Someone bolted through the flames, carrying a body with him. Alec. I casted horrified looks at him while standing there rooted to the ground, slack jawed. By some miracle, I regain feeling in my legs and ran to him, helping him to carry the body to fresher air. We laid the body on the cool grassy ground and I got a good glance of the body's blacken face. Rainbow.

"I found her walking around the halls, muttering something to herself," reported Alec. "I scared her and she fell down, burning her left hand in the fire. Thank heavens there wasn't any major injuries on her, but sadly she passed out from the pain." I looked at Rainbow's charred hand and I shuddered. It must have been a lot of pain.

Footsteps came running behind me. Gold and Lunar raced to me with the nurse tailing behind. "Oh my Funneh what happened?" asked Gold. I filled them in on every detail Alec had told me. They went white in a matter of seconds. " she okay?" asked Lunar as the nurse crouched beside Rainbow and examined her wound. 

"The wound is quite bad, but not life threatening," said the nurse at last. "I think I can fix it up with some balms. Hey you, come help me bring her to the moat." She pointed at Kyran. His jaw popped open and I giggled, though it wasn't the time to laugh. "My turn," I said. "How's the fire?" Gold sighed. "The blaze thankfully isn't spreading, but it has reached the library, and now it's burning crazily."

I know what she meant and I almost toppled over. Lunar held me up and hugged me. "We just have to stay strong," she said. But it didn't feel any better. Without any solutions or plans, the three of us watched as the west side of the castle burned down.

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