Part 10- Kill Me

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I was walking up a mountain capped in snow, the cold air blowing my blue hair in front of my face. The snow crunched under my boots and I let out a small shiver as I reached the top. The view was so beautiful. I saw the trees swaying in the wind, and the familiar village of Krewdom.

Something crunched behind me.

I whirled like a torpedo and saw Draco hiking up to me. "DRACO!" I cheered, rushing over and giving him and enormous hug. He hugged me back. It's good to see you too, Funneh, he said with a smile.

I patted his back and pulled away, gazing into his green eyes.

"Draco, is something wrong?" I asked worriedly as I saw the little tears in his eyes. He looked at me with a heartbreaking expression.

Funneh, I've hurt too many people already, he said sadly. You need to stop me.

I looked at him in shock. "This is a dream right?" I asked. "Please tell me it is!"

Draco shrugged, the tears breaking free and flowing down his cheeks in heavy streams. I don't know, but it is coming from the real me. The Draco whom you've trained with. The Draco you accidently threw your pudding at last winter. Your brother. 

His voice cracked at the last two words.

Funneh please, you have to stop me or I will hurt more people! he pleaded.

I knew what he was saying, even though he didn't say it.

"Draco I can't!" I yelled. "I can't kill you!

You have too! It's the only way to save the kingdom!

"This is nuts! This is a dream! I have no reason to believe a dream!"

I'm begging you Funneh! You have to kill me! You have to!

"I am not gonna lose my brother just to save the kingdom! I care for you!"



Silence followed as we stared at each other in silence. Draco began sobbing. Funneh please. Please just kill me. KILL ME! KILL ME! KILL ME!

Rage began coursing through my veins. "FOR THE HUNDREDTH TIME, I AM NOT GONNA KILL YOU!" I roared.

Draco gave me a sorrowful and miserable look. Fine, I'll kill MYSELF! Draco charged to the end of the cliff and jumped off. I screamed and ran over to the edge, but Draco was gone. 

I collapsed and yelled so loudly the cliff shook. "I'LL NEVER KILL YOU DRACO!" I screamed. "I WILL NEVER KILL YOU!"


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