Part 3- War On Family

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"Draco! Your late!" called Gold. "Where have you been?" She reached for his hand but he smacked her away. Strangely, his eyes were glowing red. "Get away from me, idiot," he hissed. Gold stepped back and the crowd gasped. Draco wasn't acting like himself, at all. His voice was...dripping with anger and rage. Did we do something wrong?

One of the guards stepped up. "Sir Draco, what are you doing? These are your siblings!" Draco glared at him and suddenly, his hands started glowing as a black orb appeared and he threw it towards the guard. Shrill cries echoed the room as the orb collided into the guard and he was flung back, slamming into the brickwork of a wall. Gold and Rainbow looked at each other, completely petrified. "When did he get magic?" hissed Rainbow. "I don't know!" Gold hissed back, letting panic spill in her voice.

When the guard got up, he wasn't a guard anymore. He was a snarling creature with sharp claws and glowing red eyes. Draco began whipping more orbs of black magic towards the unexpecting crowd. As the magic struck them, they turned into hideous creatures; from horned demons to hairy trolls. From wart covered witches to fire blazing ogres. I tried to reach for something, but stopped myself and smacked my forehead with an open palm. "Dang I don't have my sword!" I cursed myself. "Gah." 

Without anything to arm myself, I couldn't protect my family. But the gleaming blade of a guard's sword caught my eye. I bolted to him and grabbed his sword. "Wait, Princess Kat-" began the guard. I narrowed my eyes at him and yelled," It's Commander Funneh, your welcome!" 

I swung my sword in the most fluid moves I could make but immediately stopped like someone had hit the pause button. I couldn't use it at all. If I did, I could hurt the folks, and Draco...Draco's still my brother! I couldn't just hurt him like that, even if he's some weird evil entity or something. 

My gown was causing me to slow down, so I sliced a layer to free myself. Then I placed myself between Lunar and Rainbow and swung my sword carefully, defending them at all costs. I also saw Lady Gisela freaking out and running around madly. I laughed, though sadly, it wasn't the time to do so.

Draco's army was increasing by the second. I tried to look for Gold but everything was just a massive blur. By now, Lunar was crying and Rainbow hugged her tightly. "Don't worry," she said. "Funneh will protect us." I smiled, it was nice to know that they trusted me.

I was so focused on protecting the two of them that I didn't hear a familiar and bloodcurdling scream at the far end. But I did. And I froze. Lunar seemed to hear it too, because she began wriggling in Rainbow's grip and yelled," MY GOD, DRACO HAS GOLD!" I whipped around and started making my way to Gold. "You," I said, pointing to a guard. "Protect my sisters." Before he could reply, I was gone.

Like the wind, I ran to the other side, flinging my sword to creatures who tried to harm me. No one crosses me today. Not anymore. My eyes widened in horror as I saw Gold backed up against a wall and slid to the floor. Draco's smile grew wider as he shoved on over, his hand gleaming with another orb. "This is gonna get interesting," he said. Gold was hyperventilating on the floor as Draco grew closer. Finally, he threw the orb.

"NO!" I screamed. I jumped in front of Gold and the orb crashed into my stomach. I screamed and collapsed onto the floor. "FUNNEH!" yelled Lunar and Rainbow from the other side. Miraculously, I fought through the pain and charged towards him, crashing into his body and pinning him to the ground.

Funneh, help me.

 The voice scared the heck out of me. No one was screaming my name, though there was a ton of shouting and screaming right now. I looked around in confusion.

Funneh, help me.

It kept repeating and I clutched my head in agony. STOP!" I yelled. I turned back to Draco but he was different. His red eyes began flickering back into the green eyes I had always loved. "F...Funneh?" he whispered. I gasped. "Draco?" Then, he started screaming. 

Funneh, help me.

Now I knew it. Draco wasn't completely gone, he was still there. And his voice mentally calling me in my brain. He needed help. 

Don't worry, I'll save you, I thought back. I was so distracted that I didn't realize a pair of hands had grabbed me by the waist. Draco was back to his evil self. "I always wanted to kill one of the royal family, and now, I get to do it," he snarled, punching me in the gut. I soared across the room and crashed into a table, the glassware on it breaking onto me. Gold stared at me with horrified eyes.

Draco balled up another orb. His lips curled into a devious grin as he inched closer to Gold. I held my stomach in extreme pain but managed to block the orb with my sword. Draco was insane right now. But before he could harm me, his eyes lit up again. No not red. It was purple this time. It flickered for a moment and turned back to red. "FILE OUT!" he commanded. "You'll be safe for a moment's time, but we'll be back." He targeted his words to me, Gold, Lunar and Rainbow. A plume of black smoke filled the air as Draco and his army faded away.

The pain was unbearable and I collapsed, my vision fading quickly. It's fine, Draco was gone. My sister's were safe. Someone scooped me up and my eyes opened a tiny bit. "Funneh, what the heck is wrong with you?" yelled a blurry blob of yellow. "Funneh, please speak! Speak to us!" cried another blob of purple. The final blob of pink was silent. I couldn't hold on anymore. "I'm sorry," I whispered, my voice garbled. "I would do it over again, if I want to protect my family."

Finally, my vision went black and I fell into the void of nothingness. 

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