Part 5- Abrupt Promotions

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Soft conversation blurred through my dreams and I tried to think who was talking, but my snoozing brain refused to cooperate. "Has the nurse done anything yet?" asked a voice. "She's been out for quite a while." Another voice sounded like she was sobbing. "Funneh, please wake up. Please..." Yet another voice entered the scene. "She looks so peaceful, I kinda feel bad for her, if she wakes up."

And yes, I did wake up. My eyes cracked open and 3 faces crammed into my view suddenly. "Gold?" I whispered, my voice crackly from hours without use. "Rainbow? Lunar?" Lunar's eyes began to fill with tears and she threw her arms around me, sobbing into my shoulder. "Oh thank god you woke up," she sniffled. "We were worried that you would never wake up." Someone smacked my arm. Gold. "You jerk!" she yelled. "I could handle a few balls of magic myself, I didn't need you to sacrifice yourself!" Rainbow did nothing but smile at me. I noticed that her gown was ripped and shredded at the ends and a large scratch covered her arm. Come to think about it, I also noticed Lunar's leg was bleeding and Gold's crown was missing.

"I met someone somewhere, and it was all so real," I muttered, mostly to self. Lunar caught my words and sat at the edge of my bed. "Ooh really?" she asked. "Do share." So I told the 3 of them about the strange room, the apothecary shelves and about Ezra. I left the fact of the bug smoothie out but my stomach had other plans.

The 3 of them burst into giggles and I flushed, wishing that I could smash a hole into the wall and leave. Finally, Lunar cut through the laughter. "Sounds peaceful huh," she said. "Maybe it was just a dream." I doubted it. The bug smoothie taste lingered on my tongue and I gagged. Then the door burst open and a guard rushed in. 

"Your highness, I don't think it's safe to be alone right now," he said to Gold. "I will be promoting myself to be your guardian right now." I shot him a nasty look. "Uhm excuse me?" I snapped. "Who died and made you commander?" He ignored me. "And for Princess Kat-" "IT'S COMMANDER FUNNEH!" I roared, smacking his head with a pillow. He rolled his eyes and fumed. "Fine, Commander Funneh..." He turned to the door and a man with crimson hair and red eyes came in. Me and Gold gasped. 

"Alec? What are you doing here?" I asked. It was Alec. Alec from Yandere High School! School days were over, how was he here? "Commander Funneh, it is not safe for you to be running around with guards. You will have to stay with your family and me." I glared at him. "NO!" I yelled. "If anyone is gonna protect my family, it'll have to be a family member. And I'm the best candidate for the job!" Alec glared back at me. "With all due respect Commander Funneh, I have no time for your stubborn attitude. You may attend battle meetings, but you must stay here with your family." I shook my head so hard it was like I was unscrewing it off. "Absolutely not!" I spat out. "I don't trust you at all!" I turned away to avoid the look of heartbreak in his eyes. It was all too much to bare. "You trusted me to guard your sisters during the battle with Draco to find Gold, why don't you trust me now?" he asked, grabbing my arm. I pushed him away. "BECAUSE WE HAVE NO CLUE HOW OR WHEN DRACO WILL COME BACK!" I burst out. Saying Draco's name made me sick in the gut. "I'm stronger than you Alec, I'm capable by myself. I can manage." Alec growled like a lion in anger. "It is not safe at all! If your get hurt or even die-"

"I HAD ENOUGH OF THIS!" exploded Gold, cutting him off. The room fell so quiet, you could hear a pin drop. "Funneh will be our personal guard cause we trust her more" Lunar and Rainbow nodded. My family did trust me. Wow.

Before Alec could protest, Gold pointed a finger between his eyes. "You will be promoted to head of the guard, for now," she said. "You'll take over Funneh's duties until she is more fit to come back to duty." Alec's mouth dropped open. Rainbow broke the silence with a small clap. "Wow Alec," she said. "What a promotion! Congrats!" Alec shook his head. "Your highness..." Gold waved a hand in front of his face. "No backing from this. Funneh, I suggest that you should go and change into something comfortable. Alec, go back to your chambers." Alec shook his head. "I'm not going until Funneh returns."

I jumped of bed and wobbled as the blood rushed to my head. Lunar caught me and eased me up. "Steady girl, steady," she said. Soon I got the feeling back in my legs and ran to my room. Just as I opened the door, I knew that I was so lucky to have the krew with me now. 

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