Part 8- Believe In All Miracles

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The three of us left a lot of blood behind when we returned to the castle. By now, my leg has seemed to lose all of it's blood and began to feel numb. And I also barely conscious because of the blood loss. Alec seemed the same, because he kept swaying and Kyran had to be used as a living crutch.

"Oh my goodness Funneh!"

"My God, is that Princess Kat?"

"It's Alec and Kyran too!"

"Oh they all look horrible!"

I could hear a couple of voices. Gold. Lunar. The nurse. And another one I didn't let myself hear. Suddenly, something hit the ground with a thump- two thumps- and everyone screamed. Alec has passed out. So did Kyran. I was on the verge of losing all my consciousness too and I fell to my knees. Someone grabbed my arm. "Funneh, hang in there." 

I really did want to believe. And I tried. But I couldn't speak, couldn't breathe. My throat chafed like sandpaper and I wheezed for air. "WATER! SOMEONE GRAB WATER!" Another voice yelled. Soon, a cool liquid slid into my mouth and I gulped it, feeling the dryness disappear. I opened my eyes, and it cost a lot of strength. The nurse was hunched over unconscious Alec and tending to his wound. Gold was shaking Kyran's shoulders, begging him to wake up.

I lost all my strength and I collapsed onto the ground, blacking out.


I woke up to the sound of gentle snoring. I blinked my eyes to clear the grogginess from my body and looked around. Alec and Kyran were beside me, fast asleep. And somehow, we were in a carriage. I looked outside the small window and saw a dozen more carriages trailing behind us. Someone cleared her throat. "So your awake?" I turned and almost yelped when I saw yet another familiar face. My gosh it was Yandere. My prediction was correct.

"I am, and what are you doing here?" I demanded, trying to keep my voice low to not wake up the sleeping boys. She smirked. "I'm part of the royal guard," she said, as if it was obvious. I suddenly leaped up. "Where's Gold, Lunar and Rainbow?" I asked. Yandere pushed me back onto my seat. "They are in the next carriage behind us." She pointed to the carriage behind and someone waved at me. Lunar.

"'s Rainbow, Alec and Kyran?" I peeped. In my YHS years, I barely spoke to Yandere. But now, she seemed to ease up a lot. "Rainbow woke up a tiny bit and passed out again for some reason. Alec lost consciousness due to all the blood loss from his wound, and Kyran pretty much is okay, besides fainting and his broken arm," informed Yandere. "It may take a while for them to wake up. But certainly not now." Then my mind forced me to ask yet another question. "Where are we going?" 

Yandere crossed her arms. "You sure have a lot of questions," she grumbled. "We can't stay in krewdom for now, so Gold arranged for Crystalian carriages to bring us to Crystalia for awhile." I quirked an eyebrow. "Crystal-" I snapped my mouth shut so that Yandere wouldn't burst from all my queries. 

She pushed me down into a lying position. "Get some rest," she said, crawling to the other side of the carriage and lying down. I sat up again. "But I've been sleeping for at least 2 hours!" I protested. Yandere grunted. "That wasn't restful sleep," she said. "Now quit asking questions and try to rest."

Sure enough, my body did shut down.

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