Part 14- Choices

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The sun blazed into my brain and I jolted up, gasping for breath as a migraine flared. I rubbed my eyes with weary hands, I must have fallen asleep somehow. Cause now, it was already 9 am and there was a small dribble of drool on my cheeks. Shoots I missed breakfast, and my stomach was punishing me by rumbling like an earthquake. Hopefully I could get some snacks or something.

I wiped the drool from my face and dragged myself out of bed. I literally had no memory of going to bed but...yeah. With trembling legs, I stumbled to the bathroom. My eyes were red and puffy, as if I had cried last night. Maybe I did. I vaguely remembered anything, but I did remember the letter. And the dream, or should I say nightmare? Ugh. My throat was also very sore and dry, like I was screaming my head somehow. Probably the nightmare wasn't a nightmare, maybe it was real.

I turned on the tap and splashed my face with cold water, hoping that the redness will subside. Nah, my skin had plans of it's own. I guess that I'll have to bear the attention for now. It's not like people would stare at me or something.

I pried the door open and walked out, counting my steps as I did. I made it to the seventh step before I kicked myself for not putting in any effort to hide the redness. I should have stayed in my room for the rest of the day and avoid being a hermit. Because now, walking in my direction was Alec. Yep Alec alright. The guard with red eyes and very cute crimson hair. GOOD LORD FUNNEH WHY ARE YOU THINKING OF ALEC'S STUPID HAIR WHEN THERE ARE MORE IMPORTANT STUFF HAPPENING? For a brief moment, I hoped that Alec didn't see me and would walk off, so I could retreat back to my room. Nope, he spotted me.

"Hiya Funneh, wassup?" he cheered, giving me a friendly wave. I forced a smile on my face and waved back. "Hey Alec," I said. I should really work on my fake cheeriness. "What cha up to?" "Oh nothing much, just running errands for Queen Gold," he replied, though he seemed more interested at my face, which was unhelpfully swelling up. 

"Okay, nice. Look I'm- I have to go, see ya!" I made my escape away from a very stunned Alec with that phrase. The guards and maids roaming the halls stared at me with curious eyes. I flushed. Oh where can a girl go hide when she was facing the worse scorn of her life?

Without thought, I walked to the training room- AGAIN-, ran inside and barricaded the door, dragging up a chair for extra security. Just as I expected, it was empty. I inhaled the familiar scent and grabbed the same boxing gloves that were placed neatly on a mat. Someone, probably Alec, I don't know, must have neaten up the stuff I had thrown carelessly around the previous time. I headed for the punchbag and slammed my fists against it repeatedly.

Every thought slowly leaked out of my brain, except the one about Draco's letter. I had only 4 more moons to decide. If I was- touchwood. I haven't made my decision- going, I needed a way to sneak out. There were guards and maids everywhere, even at night. 

I punched for a few hours, and my stomach rudely interrupted with a terribly embarrassing GROWLLLLLLLL. My throat was also parched, I haven't ate or drank in at least 12 hours. I ditched the boxing gloves on the treadmill and headed to the bathroom for a shower.

After the shower, I felt tremendously better. What's more is that the redness and puffiness were gone! I changed into a blue tank top and dark blue pants- don't worry. They are clean, I wouldn't wear something from the laundry!- someone had left inside. I'll return it...maybe.

I headed to the kitchen and the aromas made me let out a stupid loud growl again. Why why why? The cooks stared at me with bewildered eyes, similar to the ones the guards and maids used in the halls. Thankfully they didn't question me and very soon, I had a plate of waffles, a bowl of salad and a mug of hot chocolate sitting in front of me.

I was extremely full by the time I downed the hot chocolate, and I was satisfied by it. I decided to go to the library to do some reading. Hopefully they would have a good book or something. As I passed by Gold's room, a groan came from beyond the doors and I stopped. I know it wasn't right, but I pressed my ear against the sleek wood and eavesdropped on the conversation inside.

"Goodness Gold, what are we gonna do?" whined Lunar's voice, all high pitched and freaky.

"Quiet Lunar, my gosh! At least the castle is being rebuilt, it's also almost done. Really I underestimated the work of the Crystalian builders." It was Gold snapping. Looks like it was a conversation between them.

" think we should go search his manor?" came Lunar hesitantly. 

Silence followed. Then Gold said slowly," I don't know. But if we do, we don't have enough manpower. If he catches us, we are gonna be monsters before we know it!" Lunar screeched so loudly I had to clap my hands over my ears.

"Funneh? What are you doing here?" came Rainbow's familiar voice. I let out a similar screech like Lunar's and jumped. Rainbow was there, all smiles and cheeriness. "How are you? I've finally been let out of the healing center!" she said. I gave her a weak smile, the conversation was still fresh on my mind.

Lunar and Gold seemed to hear me, because the door suddenly opened and I- who was still leaning against the door- tumbled to the floor, my face smacking perfectly onto the cold stone. "Funneh! Rainbow! Come on in!" said Gold, helping me back to my feet. Ouch that hurt a lot.

When both of us entered, Gold slammed the door with so much strength I sensed that there was something wrong. She was smiling, but her eyes shone with worry and fear. I smiled back with enough enthusiasm I could conjure. 

"Good news girls," she said excitedly. "I just received news that the castle is almost done rebuilding!" She waved a white envelope sealed with a golden wax in front of our noses. "We can move back in 2 days!" She kept a smile on her face, but her eyes kept darting back to her pillow. I noticed a small scrap of shredded paper there.

"It's almost dinner!" interrupted Rainbow, patting our backs. "Why don't we go down first?" Gold and Lunar immediately nodded their heads, and that made my curiosity grow even more. "You go first, I gotta grab something first," I said. The three nodded and headed out, chatting about pets they went. Wait what?

 My body shook with rage, hey I was as equal to my sisters! Why would they leave something out from me? So I planned. When the 3 pairs of footsteps echoed away, I hurdled over the bed to Gold's pillow and yanked the paper sitting on it.

The first thing I noticed was it was actually a map. Perfectly sketched, with a replica of Krew Castle in the corner. The second thing I noticed was the big red X on the other corner, a red line trailing from the castle to there.

I may be wrong, but there's a 50-50 chance that it leads to Draco's hideout. Very perfect.

Tonight, I'll go check it out.

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