Part 13- Letters And Dilemmas

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It was already night time when I came back from my run. Rainbow sat at the edge of my bed with a small grin on her face. Her pink hair was tied into a small ponytail and she was dressed her her PJs; pink long sleeved shirt and pants with purple trim and multicolored polka dots. "I'm done ready for bed," she called. "But I'd like to visit Skylene first." Princess Skylene is Rainbow's best friend and her best mate when she was in school. I nodded. "Sure, go ahead," I said. "I'd like to hit the hay early so yeah."

Rainbow swept out of the room and I headed for another shower. When I was done, I dried my hair, tied them into plaits- hey, I know how to tie a plait alright? Even though I'm a guard, I did pick up tricks!- and threw on my PJs, which were teal blue with fluffy clouds swirled with dark blue. I flung myself onto the bed and buried under the bedclothes. Sleep came quickly, but peace was just out of reach.

The same dream about Draco wanting me to kill him. I tossed and turned as the torturous conversation replayed over and over again. "Stop stop stop..." I whispered, though I didn't know who I was talking to. Eventually, in the dream, I reached for my sword, aimed it at Draco and...

"NO!" I screamed, jolting up. My heart slammed into my ribs as I caught my breath. It was late at night now. I checked the alarm clock beside me. 2.56 am. Quite early. I looked beside me. Rainbow was nestled under the covers, sound asleep. I smiled at the peaceful look on her face. I wish I could be like her.

Suddenly, a small flutter caught my attention. I turned and saw the balcony doors open, creaking silently. I got out of bed, threw on my fluffy bathrobe and slippers and crept over. No one was there, but a sheet of paper was pinned to the door, about to fly away. I grabbed it and then walked over to the small desk at the corner of the room. I shone a torch above it and read the message written inside.

搞笑搞笑,怎么会这么傻?让对我的爱妨碍你?你应该杀了我。你可以杀了我。然而,你没有。你本可以在即将到来的事情上挽救许多人的生命。许多恐怖和灾难。但我再给你一次机会。只有一个。因为我毕竟是你的兄弟。在克雷格峰(Craig Peak)的一侧与我见面,今晚有5个月亮。我们曾经玩捉迷藏的那个。我们可以清楚地看到月亮的那个。无论如何,这可能是你的最后一次 有机会进行适当的决斗。告诉一个灵魂,我会把他或她带走。你已被警告。但是,如果你想成为一个懦夫而不出现,我猜那把刻有龙雕的银剑将是我的。你知道,爸爸在你十四岁生日时送给你的那个吗?我一直想用它杀了你。一会见。。。姐姐。-天龙座。

Note: Chinese readers, I'd like to challenge you all to translate this without looking below. Good luck!

My brain throbbed as I tried to translate the message. What language was this? It was so weird, and it wasn't in ENGLISH! I literally spent half an hour trying to understand, and half an hour later, I felt like giving up. Sighing, I got up from the desk and headed out, hoping a walk around would help. 

The halls were deserted and quiet, everyone was sleeping right now. Except me. I just couldn't. I strolled past the library and suddenly, I froze. The library. I COULD USE THE LIBRARY! Without time to waste, I flung the doors open and ran inside. The number of shelves of books just overwhelmed me and I could have spent hours in there finding it, but my eyes caught sight of a book jutting out. A leather cover with the words 中文 (Chinese) on it. Jackpot! I grabbed it and began the tedious task of searching and copying word after word. I had writers cramp when I was done, but I managed to decode the message. Intensely, I read it.

Funneh, Funneh, Funneh. how can it be so stupid? Let love for me get in the way of you? You should have killed me. You could kill me. However, you did not. You could have saved many lives in the coming days. Many horrors and disasters. But I'll give you another chance. Only one. Because I'm your brother after all. Meet me on the side of Craig Peak,  5 moons from tonight. We used to play hide-and-seek there. We could clearly see the moon. Anyway, this may be your last chance to have a proper duel. Tell a soul that I will take him or her away. You have been warned. But if you want to be a coward and not show up, I guess that silver sword engraved with a dragon carving will be mine. You know the one Dad gave you on your fourteenth birthday? I've always wanted to kill you with it. See you soon...sister. -Draco

My throat went dry as I read the message over and over again. I ran back to my room, got on my hands and knees and looked under the bed. I saw the set of iron armor I had, dust mites and...

No sword.

A bitter laugh escaped from my lips. I could not believe the fact that I had forgotten about my sword! The one I had always used to train with. I was so foolish! Oh how I wish I could rip out my hair and yell out of the window and... I sucked in a sharp breath to calm my emotions. My stomach burned and bubbled like magma, I had to do something!

I looked at the note again, registering the contents inside. Craig Peak. Five moons from tonight. I had exactly five days to think about it. The demanding side of me said I wanted to go and face Draco, but the logical side of me said that what if it was a trick? How could I face him without protection? I had armor...would that be enough?

I quietly paced around the room as I thought of ways I could do about this. What if I went to meet him, and it was a trick? What if he'd shot black magic at me? What if I never get to see the light of day again? What if...

There were too many what ifs now. Laughter erupted from me. No there were no emotions. The laugh was bitter and joyless. I bit my lip, leaving dents in the soft flesh. What the freaking heck am I gonna do?

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