Part 19- I'm Ready

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No crying for me anymore.

Crying would probably make me vulnerable and drained. I am not taking that fact. I wiped my eyes on my sleeve, sniffed and stood up. I'm strong, and most importantly, I'm ready. I hitched a jacket over my shirt and stepped outside, the cold night winds blasting into my face like an air conditioner at the lowest temperature with freezing wind.

 I hopped aboard Cocoa and she galloped far away from the cabin, to Craig Peak. It was good that Cocoa trusted me, coz if I had taken another horse, it would maybe fling me across the whole world. Nope, kidding. ON the way, I pondered if I should have Cocoa with me in the battle.

We arrived at a peak that overlooked a sea of evergreens. A few small trees stuck around, and clumps of boulders lined the area. This was Craig Peak huh. It held so many good memories, but yet many bad memories were to be made.

I looked closer around. It could fit at least a 1000 people, back to back. Draco said that he would be coming alone, but I wasn't sure if I could trust him anymore. I shuddered as images of Draco's minions surrounding me and tearing me limb from limb. Nah, I definitely don't want Cocoa to be here.

I hitched off Cocoa and I grabbed the sword from my bag, slashing it through the air as I practiced for the final battle. Welding the sword, I closed my eyes and remembered the memories of my dad training me to battle...

"Excellent Funneh, you are a natural!"  my dad exclaimed as I flipped myself into a somersault and stabbed the dummy ahead of me. I beamed proudly and took a teasing bow. "Was I good? Am I better than the rest?" I asked.

My dad laughed and kneeled down, looking directly into my eyes. "Funneh, you are good," he said. "But you need to know, to be the best is not to swing a sword or shoot a bow or stab a spear. To be the best, you have to be ready. Are you ready?" His words struck me a lot and I went deep in thought. "Yes, I'm ready," I said at last.

I smiled as the memory came to an end. That was it. I had to be ready. I was ready. Ready for Draco, ready for what may happen to me. I don't care, I'm ready.

A sword punctured into the ground inches away from my toes and I screamed and tumbled backwards. When I pulled myself up, I saw the sword closer. Oh my god, it was my sword! The sword that my dad had gave me! I was really tempted to grab it, but I scanned the area just to be wary. Sure enough, Draco leaped from a tree branch.

Then I reached for my sword, but Draco was quicker, snatching it from the ground and pointing it at my stomach. "Oh, too slow!" he cackled. tears of rage fueled my eyes. Sure we had our laughs, but Draco never laughed at me like this. He was legit making fun of me.

I bit my lip, staying silent. I refused to let Draco the satisfaction of seeing me break.

"What's your deal?" I asked finally, when Draco gave me a I HAD ENOUGH SILENCE, JUST SPEAK look.

Draco grinned, his eyes flaring red again. "Hah, what's the rush?" he asked. "Isn't it just the 2 of us?" He waited until I nodded. "So let's play a bit. Are you ready?"

His words gave me the chills. But I shoved them off. "I'm ready Draco, I'll always be." I hoped he meant with pebbles or rocks or something less harmful. Boy I was wrong this time.

The new Draco's way of 'playing' is extremely hard. In a flash, he lunged to me with my sword raised and slashed a deep cut across my leg. I screamed as blood oozed down my calf and the stinging pain made me collapse.

With my injured leg, it was terribly hard to fight back. I spotted the branch I was using to practice earlier and I grabbed it, scraping my knees as I did. I held it in front of me and spun it in a 360 angle, spinning it so fast it became a blur. Alec had taught me this, so I guarantee that Draco wouldn't know what to do.

Hah I was right. Draco stopped attempting to break past my defense barrier and he stood in front of me, glaring.

I didn't dare to stop, but my leg felt like lemon juice in a cut, and it was awfully pain. I wasn't sure how long I could hold my branch defense.

"Funneh! Is that you?"

I screeched to a halt when I heard the voice. I prayed desperately that I was hallucinating.

"I see her! She's over there!"

I was incredibly wrong and my heart dropped to the pits of my stomach as I turned and saw Rainbow, Lunar and...Gold? They were running to me with a fleet of guards behind them, all welding swords and shields. "No! Go away! It's not safe!" I screamed at them. They hadn't saw Draco yet. I stepped back to run off to warn them, and in the process I dropped the stick.

My only defense.

Draco was looming over me now, sword ready to cut any exposed skin. I dropped to the floor in a fetal position, covering my head with my hands. I could see the rest of them running over with horrified eyes, their voices frantic.

Maybe, it would be over soon. I would have my life flash before my eyes soon. I closed my eyes as I felt Draco's blade brush against my torso.

All I wanted for my sisters to know is that, if I really did die...

I loved them.

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