Part 17- Isolations

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My eyes pried open to the cold morning air and I shivered. For a moment I forgot where I was, but then I remembered it all. I had ran away from the most important people in my life. I spent the night in a small hole dug into a mound of dirt, and Cocoa was tied to the tree outside. The bat was flying around my head 360. I didn't know where in the world I was going, nor did I know where I wanted to go, but I had to get away. I wanted to get away.

Honestly, I thought of running back to krewdom and yelling," I'M SORRY FOR UPSETTING YOU AND JUMPING OUT OF A WINDOW!" But nada. My mind was stuck on running away. That serves her right, alright. (LITERALLY) I opened my bag, pulled out a packet of biscuits and munched it down gloomily. I wonder if Gold even cares, or knows. I highly doubt it.

Once the biscuits were gone, I mounted Cocoa and steered him right, coz right is always right. (LITERALLY AGAIN)

I never tracked the time, but before I knew it, my body was shaking and sore in places I never knew that could get sore. Cocoa was exhaling much harder than usual, and I realized that he hasn't drank for a while. The sun was setting, and streaks of midnight blue painted the sky. I led Cocoa to a small stream nearby and she bended down for a drink. The bat flew off to hunt for the night. Which left me alone, all by myself. 

I stretched myself onto the grassy ground, my eyes staring at the small puffy clouds bobbing in the air. I only had 1 more moon to decide whether I should show up at Craig Peak or not. Sour waves of frustration buzzed through my mind and I gritted my teeth. But instead of being angry, I closed my eyes and tried the method me and Draco did when we were kids; cloud watching.

"Look it's a bird!" an 8 year old Draco squealed as we watched the clouds dip and dive through the sky. 

"Your right!" I squealed back. "And that one"- I pointed to a cloud at the side-" Looks like Lady Gisela when we skip her classes for sword lessons!"

"Ooh really?" teased Draco. "Oh I love her lessons, why did we do that?" His voice radiated sarcasm and I chuckled.

"Look a pigeon!"
"A cat!"
"A dolphin!"
"That one looks like a hat?"
"It definitely does."
"A pig!"
"That one looks like Lunar!"
"Oh my really?"
"Yes it does!"
"No it doesn't!"
"A carrot!"
"That one really looks similar to mom's crown! The one on the left also!"

The both of us zipped up when the words left Draco's lips. "Anyways, hey that one looks like a sword!" I said, giving Draco a PLEASE NOT NOW look.

"And that one looks like-" Draco fell silent and his eyes flared red. A snide smile curled on his lips. "That one looks like your dead body."

I woke up without realizing the fact that I had fallen asleep. I screeched and cradled my head as a headache formed between my eyes. I controlled it and looked at Cocoa, who was grazing around towning over blades of grass. The wind blew and I let out a small quivering shiver. I had to move on, anyone- maybe anything- could have heard my scream. I once again mounted Cocoa and she galloped off. The bat flew from the sky to my head, again. Oh goodness. But easily, we found the path we had ventured from and rode along.

I wanted to get away so badly. We rode for the whole day, and yet we were still in the same forest. And before I knew, it was night once again.

I settled on the VERY UNCOMFORTABLE stone path as I got ready for the night. My stomach growled suddenly, ooh thank god there wasn't anyone nearby. I got my bag and looked inside for some snacks and...


My eyes darted to the bat, who was now lying down with a very LARGE belly. It burped and I glared at it. Stupid bat. It ate all my snacks! How was I supposed to please my stomach now?! I slurred a bunch of curses under my breath as I lay down on the path. Then, I jolted back up. I whipped my head around to see a small cabin on top of a giant mountain. Oh my god. It was the 'CHILI' cabin!

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