Part 9- Crystalia

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"Welcome back Funneh," said a soft voice as I stirred. "Where am I?" I muttered. "Safe," it said. The voice was familiar, awfully familiar. I think I heard it in a dream once...When my eyes fluttered open, someone with blonde hair in two ponytails wrapped in white netting walking to me. One look at her blue eyes made me sputter," EZRA?" 

Ezra Woods, the same woman in my dream- maybe it wasn't a dream-, was right there. She chuckled a little. "Told you that you would come here sometime," she said. And it was. The same beds, the same shelves, the same large window, apparently IT WASN'T A DREAM AT ALL! "How did you know I would come here soon?" I asked. Ezra grinned. "I have my secrets."

I looked around and saw the familiar peach color flames on my leg. And I realized this time, I wasn't alone. Rainbow lay in the bed on my right, Alec was in the bed on my left, and Kyran was resting in the bed in front of me. Alec and Kyran both had the same flames on their broken bones and wounds. "Wait, when did I get here?" I asked.

"Ezra, leave the chatting to me," said another voice. Ezra bowed as a regal woman strolled inside decked in jeweled encrusted finery. Her red hair piled on top of her head and diamonds glittered on her wrists and her throat. Queen Emeralda, the leader of Crystalia. "Oh your majesty," I said, bowing in my bed, wishing I could neaten up my appearance. From the floor, I could see the beehive of hair wildly spread out on my head. Emerelda laughed. "No formalities please. Your royalty too anyways." I sank back into bed. "How did I get here?" Emerelda's smile faltered. "We got Gold's messenger and I sent my army instantly. Sadly, we were too late." She trailed off and stared outside the window. I could see a family of bluebirds flying past. "I am so sorry for the losses in your kingdom Funneh, Gold told me everything. With the fire taking one third of the population and Draco taking the rest, you don't really have anymore people do you?" I shook my head and sighed.

I heard a groan beside me as Rainbow stirred. Alec and Kyran were still out. "Oh my, where am I?" she asked, her eyes widening fearfully. They grew ever wider when she saw the flames burning on me, Alec and Kyran. Ezra walked over and rubbed her back. "Don't worry, your safe here in Crystalia," she said, comforting Rainbow. Emerelda got up. "I think I should sent a maid up here with some breakfast, maybe it'll help." With a soft click of the door, Emerelda disappeared. Ezra stood up too. "I should go help her, stay here, and watch the rest carefully," she said. 

When she was gone, someone snorted at the corner. "My god that was a lot of sappiness there," said Yandere as she stepped out of the shadows. I glared at her. "Have you been watching us sleep?" I asked, cringing when she nodded. 

Kyran began to wake up, and so did Alec. "Good morning Alec and Kyran," said Rainbow from her bed. Both of the boys were still half-asleep but they charged up immediately when they spotted the flames glowing on their wounds and broken bones. "Oh gosh what madness is this?" asked Alec. Yandere rolled her eyes and filled them in on everything. Kyran was shaking his head and Alec's mouth had hit the ground. "So what you mean is that me, Funneh, Rainbow and Kyran had been out for hours?" he asked. Yandere nodded. "The sedative was supposed to last for an hour, but all of you crashed down the moment we arrived, again. You guys have been sleeping for quite a while."

The double doors suddenly burst open and my sisters charged inside. "Thank heavens you all are alright!" cried Gold, pulling me and Rainbow into a hug. Lunar didn't say a word but she stared at our flames in total silence. From the corner of my eyes, I could see Yandere gagging and Kyran blushing at the touching moment. "Gold, please tell me everything was a dream," I whispered. Gold shook her head. "No, Funneh it was real. The village is gone...the west wing is burned..." 

Tears filled my eyes and I quickly turned away to avoid the rest of them. The west wing was gone, with all the memories of my mom and dad. I remember hiding in the library when my mom wanted me to take lessons, I remember sitting with my dad in the throne room helping him to sort through millions of manuscripts. I remember playing with Draco in the battle room, away from the eyes of my parents. All that was gone in flames.

Gold and Lunar stood. "We'll give you all some space," said Lunar. When they were gone, I rolled back into slumber once again.

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