Part 2- Ball Trouble

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Dusk came so quickly, it's time for the ball. With a gloved hand, I pushed the door open to the ballroom and entered a world of light and noise, but it died down when they saw me. People hardly saw me in dresses. Like, forever. I'm not the kind that wears dresses all day. Including the long ones. My tiara was slanted a little, and I quickly placed it back into shape. The heels I was wearing were killing me a lot, but they still made a 'click clack' sound as I headed to the grand staircase. Oh dang it.

"Let's welcome her highness Princess Kat La!" called a cheerful announcer, taking a deep bow.

I made my way down the grand staircase, my body tensing as I sensed the thousands of eyes staring at me. Okay Funneh just be gentle and don't trip, don't trip, don't trip don't- *SMACK*  Okayyy don't panic, act natural and go find a corner to think why you avoided dance classes when you were a kid. Just grab some food. I wonder if Lunar got the cake. I'm starvi- WHAT ARE YOU THINKING FUNNEH? YOU JUST EMBARRASSED YOURSELF IN FRONT OF THE WHOLE KREWDOM AND YOU'RE THINKING ABOUT CAKE? My goodness.

I slowly picked myself up from the floor and smoothened my gown. Oh how I wish I could just flee from the madness now. Small chuckles filled the air at my comical expression and I flushed. I caught sight of my mentor, Lady Gisela, standing in the corner with her trademark frown glued to her forehead 24/7 and the familiar tortoise shell framed glasses. I had no idea why Rainbow loved her so much. While she admired her, the rest of us just despised her. Yuck.

 My eyes darted around the room and I acted nonchalant. "Ahh.. I over did my entrance just now, sorry!" I said. Lady Gisela looked like she was gonna faint in embarrassment. I quickly climbed down the rest of the stairs and ran to the family table like a whirlwind of blue.

Lunar was already there waiting for me. She gave me a sympathetic smile but in her eyes, I saw a small twinkle. Of all of us, Lunar is the easiest to read. I wanted to talk to her but I realized that we can't talk until the whole family was here, so she gave me a pat on the shoulder and turned to the staircase again. For my whole life I never want to see red. Or the grand staircase for that matter!

It was after Gold was announced and Rainbow received her birthday tiara did I realize that Draco was missing. Normally during balls we were called by age, so he should have been here first. Maybe he went the long route. Shoot I should have followed him to spare me out of this misery.

The ball was quite fancy yet fast at the same time. It started off with a grand dance- which made me step on so many people's feet- then the banquet was served. Tables and tables of foods and beverages spread out across the enormous room and people in fitted gowns and suits mingled together, enjoying the drinks and chatting with one another.

I caught sight of Lunar with the people, talking and drinking glass after glass of sparkling cider. Her gown was pretty simple; the fabric was so fluffy that it looked like she was wearing a cloud. Feathers decorated the neckline and they bobbed around as she walked. Her hair was tied into a pretty plait with jewels woven into it. And to add to the topic of 'TOO SHINY' she was wearing a shimmering silver tiara that looped around 3 amethysts. It looked like she was enjoying the ball a lot. She caught me staring at her and shot me a sharp yet playful look.

Gold seemed to notice that Draco was missing too, because I caught her looking at the entrance door multiple times. The gown she was wearing was a poof of yellow tulle, adorned with glittering jewels. Her hair was down but surprisingly, she was wearing our mom's old crown; a glory of gold shimmering in the light and rubies, sapphires and emeralds decorated it. Her face wore a worried expression, and for a moment I wanted to tell her to stop being such a worry rat. But she was busy engaging in conversations with people about politics. I grunted. She was at a ball, yet she was talking about boring subjects, some more on Rainbow's birthday! How old was she? 50? Gosh.

Speaking of Rainbow, I found her standing alone in the corner of the room sipping a glass of wine. Her dress was casual; pale pink with a skirt reaching to her knees and lined with purple trim. Her birthday crown sparkled on her head but she seemed to be in a deep state of thought. I wondered why.

After chomping down 3 chocolate puffs, 5 servings of tiramisu and 6 pieces of strawberry cake, I realized that Draco still wasn't here. Just as I was about to get up, fetch my horse and hunt him down, a trumpet blew. "Please welcome Prince Allen La!" yelled the announcer.

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