Do you notice now?

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did you not notice when I slept everyday after school for hours ?
how I struggle to get out of bed?
no, you called me lazy.
did you not notice, when I became detached and didn't let anyone see my dreadful emotions?
when I cried myself to sleep and woke up with bloodshot eyes?
did you not notice when my grades slipped?
how I stopped care about my future?
Well what about now , do you now notice my suffering ? my depression ? my constant anxiety about the littlest things ?
Do you finally understand?

I carry my pain with me everywhere
The root of my well-being is carried in the way I drag my feet on the pavement I truly dislike so much.
I carry it in the way my lungs ache from the effortless task of breathing that I wish to stop.
I carry it in my throat , being the reason my voice cracks and shakes. Oh how I hate my voice...
I carry the rest of my pain in the back of my head, in the pit of my stomach.
Sometimes it's too much to carry.
It spills out of me in the form of tears,
I am overflowing and still and still , the only way I'd ever get someone to listen is by bringing up topics better left unspoken in the eyes of those who wish not to talk about it, unless you wanna cause problems in a house hold where you just pretend like everything is okay, when you know deep down and literally anyone who will take the risk to see, can tell
-It's not.

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