Losing motivation

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When did I start feeling like this ?
I don't want to get up in the morning
I don't wanna eat
The time seems to be moving faster ... slower ?
I don't wanna feel the weight of my body anymore
When did I start drifting back into this dreadful indifference.
my motivation, that's what has been slipping away. I held it so close but it doesn't feel the same...
I need to get up
I need to eat
I need to feel the weight of my body so I once more know I'm still alive.
It just ... doesn't seem to be important anymore.
My soul is tired of this constant battle I have to fight
all the smiles I have to show
all the time I have to spend
all the laughs I have to share
My mind is constantly awake every second of the day so this motivation I'm supposed to have just keeps draining ...
I have too much I hide away. Too much I'm expected to do , Too much , just so much ...
So as my soul keeps losing its motivation becoming vacant, a empty shell I carry around hoping for one single spark to ignite in me , a bright light that will drag me back into a world that I should be apart of,
a place I'll one day again be worthy of being in.

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