My past

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*Flashback brought to you by a little green snake who wishes nothing more but to find his dragon soulmate *

Me: Mom! Look!

Inko: Are those snakes?

Me: Yeah! They call me little prince.

Inko: You can understand them?

Me: Yeah.

Inko: You look soo cute with them honey!

Me: hihi

I was back when I was about 4 and found out what my quirk was. It was also the day when I first shifted into a snake and lost my mother. Tho at this age, I didn't know what was about to happen.

Inko: Looks like we will be seeing a quirk doctor today and register it.

Me: YEIY!!!!!

Inko: Come on, let's change you up!

Time skip brought to you by a small Izuku being all bubbly and happy!

Doctor: We just registered his quirk. It looks as if you are only able to talk to snakes.

Me: Aren't they cute?

Doctor: They are. Now then about your status. We can affirm that you are an omega.

Me: ....

Inko: Ohh baby...

It was that point in life when I knew that I couldn't become a hero. I always wanted to be a hero and my quirk wasn't helping me but I still wanted to be one. However once he said I was an omega, it was over for me. There was never an omega hero at all for a reason. Omega's couldn't stand when Alphas and Beta's start  to show their dominance and would give up.

Time skip brought to you by a lost and despressed Izuku!

Once we get home, my mom spent the rest of the day with me in my room and tried to cheer me up. It was hard but she surely managed to do it and she was there for me. I could still remember her warm hug when she tried to stop me from crying.

Inko: It's okay my little cinnamon roll! You know there is something only you can do.

Me: I can do something?

Inko: Yes. You might be an omega but you can still work in an hero agency as well as being a police officer. Without them heroes would be nothing.

Me: Really?

Inko: Yes of course. Who puts the bad guys in prisson?

Me: The heroes.

Inko: No Izu it's the police and you can also help to get the heroes recover.

Me: I can do all that?

Inko: Sure you can!

At that moment the door bell went off and that was also the moment I never saw my mom ever again. 

Eberything went out soo quickly. People went storming into my room and grabbed me, I was scared and screamed and cried. While we passed the living room to get out again, I saw my mom laying on the floor in her own blood and screamed.

My snakes attacked the people but they were easily killed too. That was the first time I shifted into a snake and escaped into the sewer from these bad peoples.

I hid in there for a very long time to and then lived on the street until a guy found me.

Time skip brought to you by a small Izuku freezing to death!

Omega: Kid? Are you okay?

Me: ....

I was scared and backed away from the person. My snakes came around me hissing at this mister too.

Omega: I won't harm you! I am an omega called Karl. Do you have a home?

I shook my head to answer the person.

Omega: How about coming with me?

Back then it was my only choice. Otherwise I would have died on the street. Never was I more happy to have accept this persons help. He took me into his bar called Basilisk and showed me how to make drinks and everything.

I somehow became the poor mans son and he felt like family to me.

Time skip brought to you by a proud Snake owning a bar and loving his wine!

Karl: *cough* I am sorry *cough* I never wanted to leave you like this.

Me: Karl.... I will find someone who can treat you!

Karl: It's already to late for that.

Me: Please don't leave me!

Karl: Please *cough* take care of my Basilisk!

Me: I will.

That was the last think he said before he passed away. For years now he had some health issues and I tried to get help soo many times but we just didn't have enough money for anything besides the bar. We barely used to survive each month on the incoming and he gave me the best home never asking anything in return.

Now my responsibility is making a place for both heroes and villains to enjoy. That was his last wish for the Basilisk and I would for sure make his wish come true.

*End of Flashback brought to you by a little green snake about to find out something terrible*

*End of Flashback brought to you by a little green snake about to find out something terrible*

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