A new bar a new life!

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It was a while now that I started living with the LOV and abandoned my old live. I was not really a part of the underworld and the LOV also stopped attacking heroes. Instead we would all spent some time together and me and Dabi would of course spent a lot more time together. I was kinda the man behind the LOV bar for a year now.

Today was the day where Dabi invited me to a nice restaurant. It wasn't the first time but it was our one year aniversery since I started living with him.

Me: It's really been a while since we went out like this.

Dabi: It is.

Me: You really not scared of people finding out who you are?

Dabi: What about you? Not afraid of seeing any heroes?

Me: No.

Dabi: Neither am I... I also have something to tell you.

It was one of the most expensive restaurants and it was weird that we were the only ones in there. However I also had a feeling that Dabi was the one behind everything and I just wanted to enjoy my time here today.

Me: Yes?

He stood up and went to my side before he went completly down on his knee and took out a ring.

Dabi: Will you forever stay by my side?

Me: ... YES! YES!

Was there really a need to think twice?


There was really nothing I could think of that would tell me to decline him. He accepted me when I thought I was a monster. Then he saved me when I was close to dying because some fucking idiots wanted to bury me. Since then he stayed by my side and my snakes protected us as well as served us well. They would tell him when I was mad or angry and he would be the one calming me down and staying by my side. Then there was also the time he saved me from nearly getting seld by an aution house too.  He did soo much and I couldn't deny it. He was the perfect soulmate! He was all mine!

After he put the ring on me, we continued to eat for a bit before he told me he had a surprise for me. This was where we were going right now. He was leading me into the city and then right in front of a bar. There was a snake with blue flames around it as a logo and it was called SaphireSnake Bar.

Me: A bar....

Dabi: Not a bar... our new bar.

Me: what?!

I turned around completly teary. He knew that bartending and having a bar was and still is my dream. I loved dealing with alcohol and hearing stories from people.

The moment he said our, I was sure I was the happied man on earth. It meant hat he would be with me there and stop being a villain or so I thought.

Dabi: Let's go inside.

Once we were inside all the LOV members were inside. The whole interior was decorated as if to celebrate and I was sure that Dabi planned this thorugh.

AfO: Congratulations!

Kurogiri: Congratulations!

Me: Dabs....

Dabi: This is and always was your life... I just wanted to get it back for you.

Me: But how?

AfO: May I explain this. After seeing what you have done for the LOV, I decided to help you out after he came to me. In this year you not only continues providing me with excuisid wine but also helped Kurogiri manage this bunch children of mine. I am giving this bar to you and hope you will continue to watch over the LOV. This is now your responsibility and I will make sure to come by from time to time. 

Omega Scales (Omega Izuku)(DabiDeku)Where stories live. Discover now