A new Bar?

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It took us some time but it was my own stomach that started growling and I felt soo embarassed. Dabi was still hugging me but the moment he heard my stomach rumble, he let go and snickered cutly.

Dabi: Let's go down. Kurogiri will make you something. Don't worry, I won't tell them that you are an omega. You are my soulmate after all and I am an alpha by the way. I will for sure protect you!

Me: Kurogiri? Wait that means we are at the LOV base?

Dabi: How do you know him and about us?

Me: Well.... I owned a bar...


Me: Bunch? I mean from what I heard they are crazy children in adults body.

Dabi: Not wrong there. Now let's get down... But first how about a change of cloths?

Me: Sounds good to me.

I watched Dabi go to his closet and then take out some things out. They looked a bit oversized for me but too small for him. They were also girls cloths and not mans, which made me suspicious.

Dabi: Shigaraki's.

Me: Pardon?

Dabi: Toga is another member and she tried to get Shigaraki to imitate me with these so I took them away from her before she even tried giving it to him. Tho I think they will suit you!

They looked similar to his own cloths especially the bruned coat. I could tell how he said Toga and explained it to me that he was annoyed by her. I did hear some stories from Kurogiri and they were all crazy. That girl seemed crazy too me. So I couldn't be jealous over another girl when they were sharing a home besides she was more like a child then anything.

I took the clothes from him and changed right away. I didn't quite care if he already saw me nacked or not since I was wearing his shirt and I was pretty sure I shifted into a snack back then...

After I was dressed we both went down and thankfully there was no one at the bar besides Kurogiri and so we went there and sat down. Dabi was beside me and he was also eyeing Kurogiri. It looked like he was a bit jealous that we knew each other for a longer time now.

Kurogiri: Izuku, good to see you up and alive.

Me: Good to be alive.

Kurogiri: What happened?

Dabi: How about you serving us some food!

Kurogiri: None for you if you are not asking nicely.

Funny how he said that and then put two plates down in front of us as well as some tea and a beer for Dabi.

Me: Thank you.

Kurogiri: No problem. Enjoy it and we will talk afterwards.

Dabi: Where are the others?

Kurogiri: Still sleeping... May have also locked them into their room for the time being.

Dabi: pfff. They deserve it.

Just one bite of the food and it was soo delicious. I am not gonna lie but I loved food and I was also a big eater despice my slim figure and my size. So once I was done eating, Kurogiri pulled out some desserts and Dabi was just looking at me and I was sure he was wondering how I was eating soo much.

Dabi: You sure love food.

Me: Yup! It's soo good!

Kurogiri: I got it for you as a thanks for all the good wine you got for me.

Omega Scales (Omega Izuku)(DabiDeku)Where stories live. Discover now