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I woke up covered in something soft. It was really warm and I could feel the heat coming of me. I felt pain from my wounds and I also had a splitting headache. Not only that but I was sure that the heat I felt was coming from a very bad fever I caught.

Where am I?

It's soo hot.

Why am I even wrapped up in a blanket?

Wait what is this smell?

It smiled like burned wood but there was also this smoky smell mixed within.

Why is this so calming?

Why do I love this smell?

I want to just wrap myself with this smell. It smells soo good!

Stop it!

Get yourself together.


It's kinda hard thinking with my headache and the noises around me.

I began slowly to wake up. Once I opened my eyes I saw nothing but blackness but once I moved my head a little bit I could actually see something.

Then I realized something. I was not a snake and I was not buried anymore. Instead I was in a bed.

This is bad!

They now know I am an ultra-rare one.

I need to get out of here.

???: Realx... You are not in danger anymore.

Who is this?

This person... he feels familiar...

Is this perhapse my mate?

???: Just realx and sleep some more. You have a bad fever.

Sleep sounded good and since I felt soo at ease being close to the person, I closed my eyes and decided to just sleep some more.

Time skip brought to you by a snake who just found their dragon mate

When I woke up, I felt something soft covering me and a weight around my me. It felt as if someone was holding me and it also smelled like burned wood. It was a pleasent smell and I was thankfull for the warmth that was until I woke up completly form my trance. I felt save and corzy. Way too safe for being in a box and about to die! Not to mention that I was actually a snake and it shoult be cold.

Burned woods?



I am not in the box anymore!

I am not in the coffin!

Then where am I?

The moment I woke up completly and opened my eyes I saw that I was actually in a room and I was covered with a very soft blanket.

Luna: The emperor is-sss awake!

Abyss: Our emperor-sss!

Me: Morning guys...

???: Morning babe!

Me: Huh?!

It surprised me soo much that someone was actually laying besides me that I rolled to the side to have a better look at the person and nearly fell down if not for these stron pair of arms to pull me closer to himself again.

Dabi: Carefull there!

Me: Who are you?

Dabi: They call me Dabi. Tho

Omega Scales (Omega Izuku)(DabiDeku)Where stories live. Discover now