Shielding with a kiss

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Once we arrived close to UA, my snakes warned about some heroes approaching us.

They can't find Dabi here with me!

I need to do something!

He saved me after all and he is my soulmate!

Since I knew that the LOV was very well wanted, I suddenly pulled him to the next alley and let him pin me to the wall. We could only speak of luck that no one minded us. I mean we were a pair of lovebirds if you want to say it like that. After I let him pin me to the wall or should I say I pulled him towards me and kissed him out of the blue, my snakes told me that the air was clear again.

At first I could see his surprise face but the small kiss quickly evolved into one filled with passion. He was a really good kisser if I do say so myself.

Luna: They are gone-sssss!

Abyss: UA s-ssss-taff!

Luna: Nemuri is-ssss waiting outside...

Was it a bad choice doing that?


Not even a bit!

I didn't regret anything. I would even do it again.

Gosh how I loved this kiss!

It was addictive!

Me: Don't stop yet.

Dabi: As you wish princes!

Did he just call me princes?

Do I look like a princes?

Abyss: S-ssss-tudents are coming this-ss way....

Footsteps were approaching us as we both were busy with each other. It was by my wish that he gave me another passionate kiss that was even more dangerous than the last one. I felt like melting right there on the spot.

??? : Oh sorry!

I could tell from the voice that the hero that just found us was no other than Vlad King. In my opinion he was a joke to the hero society. Needless to say, that I couldn't stand his way of acting around thinking thatshe would never need a sidekick and even have some but not rely on them.

It was only after he left and I couldn't hear anyone anymore, I decided to break our kiss. It was good but if we would keep on, I would lose myself in it.

Me: Sorry. I didn't know a better way to escape than this.

Dabi: Then I can only hope to run into a hero with you by my side again.

Me: Huh?

Dabi: I love it, princes

Me: First of don't call me princes!

I could tell that I had some scales below my eyes since I was losing myself in the kiss and he was looking at me and also touching my scales carefully.


He saw them!

How can he still like me after this!

I am a monster!

He will sure drop me after seeing them!

Dabi: Hot!

Me: Huh...


Did he...


Dabi: They look cool and you look hot with them little snake.

He likes them?

But everyone hates them!

Me: Don't call me little!

Dabi: Okay Izu. Gotcha no princes and no little. Now how should I repay you?

Me: For what?

Dabi: You saved my ass right there!

Me: And you saved me earlier plus you wanted to come with me.

Dabi: You should go now.

Me: Hm...

I turned around and started to go away before he could say another word. However, he grabbed my wrist and let me spun around, the caught me in and embrace and made me look up to him and right into his eyes which I felt like they were devouring me.

Dabi: Not witohut a kiss.

I decided to tease him a bit and started to slightly stroke his chest. That must have taken him by surprise since he let go of me very slightly and I took that chance to get out of the embrace but before that I gave him the kiss he wanted.

Me: I'll contact you later!

Dabi: How?

Me: I can find you with my snakes... Take Luna with you. She is docile and not as agressive like Abyss. He doesn't like other people much.

Dabi: Okay.

Just like that I went to UA and meet Midnight in front of it. However I couldn't stop thinking about Dabi. He was bad news for my heart since it was pounding so hard. I was sure that it could have busted out of my chest of how hard it was beating.

Me: NEM!

Midnight: There you are honey!

She immediately hugged me close and then pulled me with her right to the teachers room. I was met with RG, Mic, Eraserhead as well as Nezu there and all I could think about it that Nemuri just pulled me into something I really doesn't wanted to know.

 I was met with RG, Mic, Eraserhead as well as Nezu there and all I could think about it that Nemuri just pulled me into something I really doesn't wanted to know

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