Soulmate bond

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Dabi's POV:

I was at the LOV base wondering where Kurogiri left since I now had to babysit Toga and Shigaraki as well as the other bunch! They were all driving me crazy! Now I understood why Kurogiri would suddenly leave like this from time to time without telling where. It's been already 5 and a half hour that he left. Who knows where that guy just went!

I swear if he doesn't arrive in about 5 minutes or so I will kill them!

Fuck this shit with the LOV!

This is ridiculous!

They are a bunch of imbecils!


Not gonna lie. I was soo close to burning them all down!

Toga and Twice were running around like children and even making some fucking weird ass noises. They looked like mentally insane people that are really made to be put into an asylum!

Then there was Shigaraki screamin at the PC and rage quitting because he lost soo badly that he shouldn't even call himself a gamer.

Compress and Spinner were arguing with each other soo loudly that I would have loved to throw them out. Scratch that! I would love to fucking leave this insane asylume of a base!

Thankfully Kurogiri just teleported in and I was more than happy to leave on a stroll outside before I would really just explode on everyone.


Kurogiri: What in the world is going on here?!

You guys are lucky he came in time!

Me: Animals!

Kurogiri: I can see that! TOGA, TWICE SIT DOWN NOW!

The moment he screamed that they looked at him and sat down on the ground without saying a word or making a sound anymore. Even Compress and Spinner stopped arguing with each other. The only person who still didn't realize that Kurigiri was there was Shigaraki. However after that mist portal just took his controller and truned the TV off, he also knew that Kurogiri was back.

Kurogiri: All up in your room and go to fucking bed!

Why am I feeling as if something is about to happen?

I am scared....

Could it be?

Is this my soulmate?

I never felt my soulmate before....

Seems like they need help!

I need to find them!

Me: ... I am going out for a walk!

Kurogiri: NOPE! I don't have the nerves to deal with you getting chased by your father because of a fucking prank you pull on him!

While Kurogiri was telling me that all of the sudden I felt unease and also as if a piece of me was panicking and dying. It hurt and a tear fell down my cheek before I realized it.

Toga: Are you crying?



What are they doing?!

Why do I feel like this!

Spiner: Sure are!


???: HISSSS!

Kurogiri: Huh... Luna?!

It surprised us all to hear a hiss coming from a small white snake that was in front of Kurogiri and that guy even picking that snake up. Tho for some reason the snake felt familiar as if I knew it my whole life. It was weird and not really explainable.

A snake....

Why does it feel like I know it?

Why does it even feel like it wants something from me...


Could it be... my soulmate!

Kurogiri: What are you doing here and not at Basilisk?

The snake looked at me and began to get down from Kurogiri and make it's way towards me. Everyone in the room was completly silent.

white Snake: HISSSS!

Kurogiri: Did something happen to Izuku?

Me: WHO?!

Kurogiri: Not important right now! It seems like she wants you to follow her!

Me: Yeah yeah! As if I will start to follow some random snake around!

Kurogiri: It's either that or you will babysit them until I find her!

Me: I am out of here!

Just like that I followed the snake out and right to the outer part of the city. I need to say, this snake was pretty fast for it's small size and so we managed to get to the outer forrest that was also close to the slums. There the snake lead me to a pile of dirt that looked like it was touched recently.

Snake: HISSS!

I felt it right there. The helplesness of my soulmate. I might have been late but I could feel it. There in front of me under the earth was my soulmate.


Not wasting any time, I started digging with my own two hands until I found some wood. Luckily it wasn't burried too deap and so I managed to even get the dirt off the lead of a coffin.




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