A teacher... ME?!

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It was weird seeing them all wait there for me. There was really no doubt that Nem did something or told them something.

Me: Nem... What's going on?

Zashi: Wait, Nem you didn't tell him?

Nezu: This will be interesting.

RG: I am more concerned about your scales dearie. They are slightly red.

It was only then that I realize that I still had my scales showing. There wasn't really a way for me to calm down immediately since I just had a really good moment with Dabi and it was hard to get over it. My heart was pounding like crazy too.

Me: Don't worry... I just need to calm down...

Nezu: A snake omega very intruiging.

Nem: Why didn't you tell me you were an omega?

Me: Nem! You never asked!

Nem: I didn't?

Me: NO! Now why am I here?

RG: I heard you bar was burned down... Dearie were you inside?

Me: No...

Nem: You blushing honey! Tell me who is your soulmate.

Thankfully Nemuri took it into her own hands and change the topic towards my Soulmate. I were pretty much at their mercy here since I was a bad lair and at some points thwy for sure would have found about about the LOV for sure. Tho I would do my best to hide it that was for sure.

Me: No. He is mine!

Nem: Wow, chill honey!

Zashi: I would react the same seeing how you are with Sho sometimes.

Nem: Oh come on!

Me: Why am I here?

Mic: Well you are my support teacher!

Me: Support what?

Nezu: Midnight came to me this morning and asked me for a favor.

Me: Nem, how could you!

Nem: Ah I love you Izuku. Platonicly of course! You are my best friend and best bartender!

Me: Still Nem. You always tell me that it would be like a pakt with the devil. How could you?!

Nezu: A deal with the devil huh.

Nem: Ahm... It's not like this!

Nezu: Anyways I would also like to have you here.

Me: Why me?!

Zashi: Why not?! You're fun and my class will surely enjoy having you!

Me: ... I am not fit to be a teacher! I am an omega!

Nem: Nonesense! Just accept it oh and you're living with me for the time being.

Me: Huh?

Nem: Well I decided on it for ya!

Me: You do know I have a soulmate right?

Nem: Not before a minute ago soo you staying with me girl!

Nezu: I hope you will accept this teachers possition Izuku.

Me: No!

Nem: No?!

Zashi: No?

Me: Yes. I decline. I am not meant to be a teacher nor do I want to be one. I don't feel good just thinking being one. Now if you don't have anything else to say I would like to leave! I still have a bar to repair!

I somehow left them all speachless in the room and exited UA. Since the day my little bar went down in fire, I haven't seen it at all and so I wanted to go and have a look myself. Tho if I knew what was awaiting me there I would have never just left like that.

The moment I arrived in front of my little bar, I saw that it was all completly burned down there was really nothing left at all. 

Me: *Sigh* Karl... I wish I could have saved your bar....

Hero: Look who came back from the dead!

Hero 2: I thought I saw a guy saving him!

Hero 3: Well he is bad news! He also knows our identities!

Hero 4: Let's kill him!

Before I could even react the speed guy already had a cloth around my mouth and I breathed it in. I knew it was bad but I couldn't hold my breath for long. Shifting was also a bad idea and so I just tryied to struggle way way out of his grasp.

What the fuck?!


I never reported you guys!

Leave me be!

Then all of the sudden it was hard to stay awake.

No, I have to stay awake!

I tried to back up as much as I can and use my quirk but the moment I opened my mouth nothing came out.

Shit what was on the cloth?!

Black dots began showing in my field of vision and I knew that I couldn't win this fight.

I can't let them get me!




I can't























Next thing I know, I blacked out and fell to the ground.

Next thing I know, I blacked out and fell to the ground

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