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When I came to me I wound myself eveloped in complet blackness. This was something I hated. I couldn't stand it as it was reminding me of my past. All the times I needed to hide from people and all the times I was living on the streets. There were not good times and most of them I was starving, hurt or even cold. I had no home back then and it was only luck that the previous owner of the bar took me in. He never asked question about me and I never exposed my quirk to him. I was just soo thankfull. Too bad he died of poor health conditions. However his dream was Basilisk a place for heroes and villains just like my own dream.

This is soo dark!

It's suffocating!

Where am I?!

What are they gonna do?

This is bad!

I can't move!

Did they tie me up?

How am I about to escape now?

Why did I need to play the brave one and not run as my snakes were telling me...

This is my end!

My mind went into full panic mode since I couldn't move at all and for some reason it also felt as if I was in some kind of box and it was dark and suffocating and I was alone. My breathing quickend as my condition looked dire and I started to freak out even more.

Thankfully I wasn't completly alone.

Abyss: Emperor-sssss, please try to calm down!

Me: Where am I?

Abyss: In a coffin-ssss!

Me: They buried me?!

Abyss: Yes-ssss....


I am dead!

I am soo dead!

How in the world am I supposed to get out of here now?

Think Izuku!


There must be something I could do!

If I shift into a small snake, I can reduce the air I need to breath that will at least spare me some additional time until I die...

Oh god!

Stop thinking like this!

I will get out of here!


It seemed logical to me to shift into my snake omega form and I did exactly that. Not only were my eyes better in my snake form but I was also free from the rope that was tying me down.

Me: Where is Luna?

Luna was my white snake. She reminded me of the moon in the sky with Abyss beside her. Abyss was my black snake. He was as black as the depest darkness in an actual abyss. I loved them both since they never left me alone.

Abyss: S-ssss-earching for help!

Me: I s-sss-ee... are there others around us-sss?

Abyss: Yes-sss! We are at your command-sssss!



Why didn't I thought about this!

I can controll them!

I can ask them for help!

They surely must be a snake around here!


I began focusing on the bond I had with snakes. They always felt familiar with me and for some reason I could always tell if they were around me and where they were. However for some reason I was not focusing on them as all of the sudden I felt panic. It was not me panicking tho. I was far far beyond that. I was scared for my own life.

Who is that?

It doesn't feel like a snake...

I never felt someones emotions before...

I don't think this is part of my quirk but that means....

My soulmate!

Did Luna find them?

They told me they could find my significant other....

Could it be?!


Stop thinking about it!

I need to get out of here!

I once again started to focus on the snakes around me and gave them a command this time too! I needed to know if there was even the smallest chance of breaking the box for a bit so I could escape with Abyss. To my misfortunate there was really nothing the snakes could do.

Me: *Sigh* Ssss....

Abyss: Luna will get us-ssss out!

Me: Do you know where s-ssss-he went?

Abyss: S-ssss-oulmate!

Abyss: S-ssss-oulmate!

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Omega Scales (Omega Izuku)(DabiDeku)Where stories live. Discover now