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When we returned to the LOV base there was once again only Kurogiri there but he had some change of clothes for me and Dabi put me in his room and told me to come down. Once finished dressing up and shifted back, I went down to the bar.

Me: Dabi....

Dabi: It's okay! We will find the one responsible for it.

He immediately hugged me and conforted me. I got soo used to teaching the class and everyhting and now I needed to give it up once again.

Me: How did you even know that something like this would happen?

Kurogiri: AfO told me.

Me: AfO? Why would he help me?

Dabi: You might knot know it but apparently Kurogiri over here was always delivering a whole bottle of wine to that man.

Me: That was the reason for the one box of wine at the end of the month?

Kurogiri: Yes. He also took a liking to you and now that you are family to us.

Dabi: Me and our babysitter here, of course we wouldn't stay still.

Kurogiri: We also found out who was behind putting you underground to silence you.

Me: You mean the heroes that burned my Basilisk down...

Dabi: ...You knew who it was?

Me: Yeah...

Dabi: Why didn't you ever tell me who it was!

Me: I didn't wanted you to kill them! They just hated me and it is in the past! I don't want you to get into any troubles.

Dabi: Well Trouble came to you again and now I ama hunt it down!

It was pointless talking about this any longer so I decided to just accept it and deal with them. They after all had some unfinished business with me and I would for sure make their lives horrible. Tho I was not ready to kill them and I certainly would like to make this one personally and not let Dabi do it for me.

Kurogiri: No need for that.


Normally I would be the one saying no but I also want to destroy them!

I want to burn them!

Hit them!

And teach this motherfucking dogs a lesson for their lives!

How could they just burn my basilisk down and kill soo many snakes!

Dabi: What do you mean no?! They fucking went after him!


Don't tell me already took care of that too!

Did AfO do something?

Did I ever do something besides delivering some wine for him to help me?!

It can't be that he is thankfull for only that!

Isn't he supposed to be the big evil buddy?

That sure is weird but I am taking it.

At that moment Toga came out from behind the bar door which lead to somewhere. From the look of it, it was dark and also it led down stairs. That meant they had a basement.


Me: Mamagiri? pff-

Kurogiri: Don't make me tell her about you!

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