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Dabi's POV:

The moment I managed to get to the coffin, it was shut completly. There was really no way for me to get thing open without a crowbar or anything. The feeling I got was getting became worse and worse. It was suffocating and I was feeling desperate to safe my mate the feelin that I got was as if I was about to go crazy and I knew if I would lose them, I would lose myself.

Come on open!

White Snake: HISSS!

I know!

I know!

I don't have much time!

Who knows for how long they are in there!

If I find the person who did this they will die!

My little friend was also getting very anxcious. I could hear the snake hissing and at this point it was not one snake but a bunch of them. It didn't even come to me thatf there could be this many snakes around this area but they were.


Let's burn this shit down!

I need to get them out!

Any longer and who knows what will happen!

I can't lose them right after I finally met them and found them!

This can't end like this!

Please god, satan or anyone!

Please let me save them!

Let me experience happiness!

I put my hands on the lid of this coffin and started burning it down until I could open it. There I found a black snacke and a beatiful mixed colored cobra too. I immediately felt the link to the cobra. They both were unconscious laying there but once I took my mate out, he shifted back and I was suddenly holding a boy in my hand. He looked like a fairy to me and he was also very frail.

Oh god!

Thank you!

I finally found him!

Me: ... my soulmate....


I will forever treasure her!

I will never let him go!

I promise!

Thanks for letting me save her!

My life will be hers!

This is the best day of my life...

How did Krogiri call her again....

Izuku... I think...

Izuku I promise to always be by your side!

I will never let anyone harm you again!

I don't care who you are or what you experienced!

From now on... I will be by your side and your pillar of hope!

I was soo happy seeing my soulmate that I held him close to my chest and buried my face into the crook of his neck. He smelled like the nature after a raincast. The boy in my hind was soo precious to me and I started crying. I was this happy to have finally found my mate.


This snake!

Really that scared the hell out of me!

Why would she...


I am so dumb!

I should give him my coat!

He must be freezing!

Can he even freeze?

He was a snake?

Better not find it out!

White Snake: HISSS!

It was only after I heard the hiss of the a snake right next to my ear that I looked at her and stopped hugging him. He was completly nacked and I gave him my coat without even thinking twice about it. I was an idiot for not doing this earlier.

Me: I found you!

Tho I had him in my hand, my hands were shaking like a leave. I didn't know him for long or to bre precise only met him a couple of minutes ago but he was my soulmate meaning he was my one and only significant other that made me whole.

The pure thought of losing him was driving me crazy. Thankfully I made it in time and got him out of there. Now it was best to get back to the LOV base as fast as possible. So I took out my phone with one hand while holding him close to me with the other one. I was not about to let him go after I finally found him.

One call was enough for Kurogiri to pick up.

Kurogiri: Yes?

Me: I found him!

Kurogiri: How is he?

Me: He is alive.

Kurogiri: But not conscious?

Me: No. He was burried alive....


Me: I don't know but they will pay for this.

Kurogiri: Where are you? I'll pick you up!

Me: I'll send you coordinates. I am in the forrest at the outer slums!

Kurogiri: Okay.

As short as our call was it was enough to get Kurogiri over once I sent him the coordination. While I was carrying him over to my room, Kurogiri was takignt the white and black snakes. He told me they were his pets. I was thankfull to the white snake for leading me to him.

Now I finally had a mate. One that I could love and dedictate my life too. This was the best and happiest moment of my life. 

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Omega Scales (Omega Izuku)(DabiDeku)Where stories live. Discover now