Open Spot

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Not long after Nemuri went out, my other loyal customer came in. It was Kurogiri and I knew that he loved wine. So before he could even order the special wine which he always do, I already had a glass of it place in front of him.

I wonder if the LOV made his life miserable again....

Yep he looks like he could take a whole bottle!

Better get that out now.

Kurogiri: Thanks.

Me: No problem.

Kurogiri: How is the bar these days?

Me: Just look around!

Kurogiri: *Sigh* Too bad. They really don't know to treasure some good wine.

Me: Well not everyone likes the idea of a bar which welcomes villains and heroes no matter how they look or how wanted they are.

Kurogiri: They should really wake up.

Me: They should. We are all the same after all.

Since he was probably the last customer I would have for the night before I lock the door and go behind the bar and into the small room I owned as my own, I started to clean up. It was somehow really getting me. This little bar was everything I ever wished. A place for everyone to be happy and now it was nearly going down to the ruin.

Kurogiri: How much?

Me: You know the price why ask?

Kurogiri: No. How much do you need to safe this bar?

Me: I can't take blood money and you know it.

Kurgiri: *Sigh* What about a heroes gold card?

Me: Do I even want to know where you got that one?

Kurogiri: A new member brought it with them.

Me: *Sigh* It's nice you want to help me but they will suspect me for stealing it.

Kurogiri: You can just tell the truth.

Me: You know exactly that they won't believe a monster like me.

Kurogiri: You are not a monster. If anything you are more human then the heroes. Besides our Nomu's are monsters.

Me: And here you go again.

Kurogiri: What?!

Me: Ohh nothing. You just love talking about Shigaraki and the nomus and the LOV. You really love them!

Kurogiri: Maybe.

Me: What maybe! You do! You sound like their mother!

Kurogiri: No wonder they call me Mamagiri.

Me: SEE!

Kurogiri: Anyways how are you?

Me: Alive and fighting as you can see.

Kurogiri: Why don't you join us?

I can't!

You are a beta and the whole place is filled with betas besides two other alphas in there....

I am an omega!

I can't!

I trust you old friend but what about them?

Can you ensure my safeness?

And what about the heroes when they find out that I am an omega?


It's not worthing my life and I surely won't deal with these lunatics!

Just look at you and how often you come here!

Me: You want me to deal with a bunch of children?

Kurogiri: Not everyone is a child.

Me: A huge game fanatic man-child, a flame lobing bastard and a knife crazy stabby stabby girl.... That was how you were reffering to them, if I remember correct!... Yeahh... No thank you. I am busy with what I am doing.

Kurogiri: Too bad! I always appreaciate some help and it would be nice having you on the team.

Me: I am not a villain.

Kurogiri: But not a hero either.

Me: Touche!

Kurogiri: Our doors are always open.

Me: Thanks for the offer.

He chucked the wine down as if it was nothing and then helped me clean up the bar. After we were done, I locked it and we both said goodbye before he teleported somewhere else. Now it was just me and my snake pets.

Me: ... *Sigh* Do I look that worried for a hero and a villain to ask how I am?

Luna (White Snake): You seem stres-sss-st.

Abyss (Black Snake): Why not Join-ssss? Both s-sss-ides are not bad-ssss.

Me: Yeah but that's not what I want and if I were to be a villian everyone would chase me down. If I got to be a hero, everyone woud despise me for what I am.

Luna: Human-sssss!

Abyss: Morons-sssss!

Me: You know guys, I am happy with what I have!

Luna: But S-ssss-oulmate?

Abyss: We can-sss help.

Me: You can? How?

Luna: You s-ssss-hare a bond with -sss- them.

Abyss: We sss-can feel it.

Me: Wow... You never told me that.

Luna: You never as-ssss-ked.

Abyss: Or looked that depres-ssss-sed.

Me: Oh great! Now I even look depressed. *Sigh* Enough with this. They wouldn't accept me annyways. No one will want such a monster for a soulmate after all.

I went to my snakes and picked them up before I went to my own little room which was by the way always filled with snakes that I didn't owned. I don't even know where they are coming from but they would always be there and protect me while I would sleep.

Me: Good night guys!

Snakes: Night our dear Emperor -ssss-!

Snakes: Night our dear Emperor -ssss-!

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