Sold off?

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I woke in a room, no, I was more like in basement chained to the wall. My feet were not touching the ground and I was hanging by the chains on my hand. I had something around my neck, my guess it was some kind of illegal quirk suppression collar.

Dang it!

Where am I?!

This is bad!

I need to get out of here!

Where are my snakes?!

How should I get out of here?

I am not as stong to just break these cuffs down!


I am sure my snakes informed him!

He sure will feel my panick attack!



I feel his anger!

He will come!

I know he will!

I just need to have faith and wait!

It was dark in the room but by concentrating on my hearing I could tell that I was alone. My mind instantly remembered what happened before I blacked out. I began trashing and trying to get free but there was no chance that I could get out of these cuffs only by my raw strength.

Me: Heed my call and res-

The moment I tried to use my quirk I was electrocuted and it hurt soo much. There were no snakes but I could tell there were some close so all I wanted was calling them over. Tho that shock was also something I did not expect. Normally quirk suppression cuffs or a collar don't shock their user.

Ok, so this really a shock collar too!


Where am I anyways?

As I was analyzing my situation and speculating how much these guys knew about me the door to my room opened and someone came in.

???: Ahhh what a fine speciment of an Omega and a rare one too!

So they really know....

Me: ....

???: You won't get out of here. But let me tell you one thing. You will be soon auctioned off and you will be a fine omega to your new owner behanve!

If Dabi get's here you will be all dead!

I wonder what happened to the heroes....

I wonder if this is an idiot!

Me: Where is the hero?

???: The deal is over with them. You are now ours.

My neck hurt and I didn't liked where I was at all. All of the sudden I saw Abyss on the ground.


How high did they put that thing on?!

However I didn't care if I hurt my throat or not, I needed to get out of here thankfully all of the sudden I could see blue flames and I knew that it was Dabi who just found me. My only guess was that Abyss informed a snake and Luna was bringing him here. No matter what I was happy that he was here that some tears fell down my cheek.

Dabi: YOU MOTHERFUCKER! Burn in hell for touching my mate!

He instantly burned the villain down and then went to my side to take me down from the wall and removed the collar too. It was one painfull collar.

Dabi: It's okay Izuku! I am here now!


Thank god!

I thought I would die!

They wanted to sell me for the highest bidder!

I am an omega but not a pet!

They would have tried to breed with me!

I am an omega after all!




Thanks for being there!

Thanks for finding me!

I was soo scared I would never see you again!

I.... I... 

Once I was free he immediately hugged me and instead of me being the one with shaking hands, it was him. He was shaking and I knew why. It was the fear of losing me, losing his one and only other soulmate. It was a matter of fact that if we lose our soulmate we would go crazy because of the lonlyness we feel. 

Me: I am fine.

Dabi: No you're not!

Me: I am now!

Dabi: I thought I might have lost you!

Me: But you didn't!

Dabi: You scared me soo much!

Me: I know. I am sorry.

Dabi: No. I am sorry for leaving your side. I should have waited for you in front of UA! I-

Me: There was nothing you could do.

Dabi: .... Let's get out of here.

I watched him pull a phone out and text someone. Just a second later Kurogiri opened a portal for us to walk through. 


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Omega Scales (Omega Izuku)(DabiDeku)Where stories live. Discover now