Chapter 19 - Victoria

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It hurt. It hurt a lot. But I had to show him that it didn't. He had to think that I was perfectly fine. That he hadn't hurt me at all and that I had moved on.

It was so hard, though. I could feel my heart breaking in two. I looked at Niall's and Jasmine's hands intertwined and felt myself starting to sweat. My hand was slipping from Michael's.

I faked a smile to fool Niall and whispered to Michael, "Come with me." I looked back at Niall before we left the room, but he was talking and laughing with Jasmine.

As we swung the wooden door open and walked into the kitchen, I thought about our day...

Michael had come to the house just about ten minutes after we arrived. I had questioned Ben about the text from Josh but he said he didn't know what Josh was talking about. I mean, obviously it meant that Niall was coming to England, that was pretty clearly stated, but Ben said that he had nothing to do with it. I trusted him so I let it go, expecting Niall at the door in several hours.

Isn't Ben such a good friend? He put Paranormal Activity on. Thanks, dude. Note the sarcasm. At least I was sitting in between Ben and Michael! I will be honest... That was honestly the scariest movie I have ever seen in my entire life. I think I might've elbowed Ben in the face at least twice, and by the time we were fifteen minutes into the movie I had already jumped into Michael's lap! Don't ask me what the scariest part was; I'll just say the whole thing! I will definitely be having nightmares tonight...

Once we got through that, which I'm surprised I survived, Michael and I got to know each other. Not by choice exactly, but I don't mind! Ben actually locked us in his room. And I thought he was mature! Ha! I don't even know why he did it! I mean, I can guess...

We were in there for two hours. TWO HOURS! The only fun part was when we realized Ben had left his twitter logged on we tweeted a picture of ourselves with the caption, "got a facelift, you likey?" Okay, I lied. That wasn't the only fun part. Well, it was at first. Apparently I fell asleep on Ben's bed (that's how bored I was!) for, like, ten minutes and I woke up to Michael tickling me. He claims he tried calling my name first but I don't believe him. We played hand games and talked and we did just about anything to pass the time. That was the longest two hours of my life. Once I realized that, I realized how quickly two hours passes with Niall. The worst part? Well, actually I'm not sure if it's good or bad... But anyway... Right before Ben let us out, Michael just kissed me! Like, out of nowhere! It was so random and out of the blue, and I didn't like it! That confirmed that I still missed Niall. I mean, why wouldn't I? It had been less than a day since I saw him kissing Lily! But I guess I was just hoping that I was already over him.

Eventually, the doorbell rang and Niall walked in with another girl. I instinctively grabbed Michael's hand and I think Niall noticed right away because I saw his beautiful blue eyes (damn it, I can't think about him like that!) move between us and then down to our hands, and then he grabbed the other girl's hand. She and Michael then stepped forward and hugged each other... How do they know each other...? Michael then introduced her as his cousin, Jasmine, so I introduced Niall as my ex-boyfriend.

In the kitchen, I attempted to talk to Michael.

"So, Jasmine's your cousin, huh?"

"So, Niall's your ex, huh?" he retaliated with raised eyebrows.

"Huh," was all I could think to say as I turned my head toward the ground.

He just stared at the floor and as he quickly made his way out of the room. Well, that didn't go as I had planned. I actually wanted to talk to him, but I guess it's too late now.

Author's Note: sorry its so short! it's been over a month and I just wanted to get something up! hopefully it's not horrible! :/ comment/vote/fan?(;

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