Chapter 4 - Niall

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I was surprised she hadn't heard of us, but I should've realized when she didn't freak out at the sight of me. We let Josh and Ben get further ahead. Actually, we let them walk all the way back to the house. Then the two of us walked even slower than before, and continued up the street.

"I remember walking down this street everyday."

"Yeah?" Josh had already told me what happened between their parents, but I wanted to hear her side of the story. Plus, she was cute when she talked about her past. And I just liked hearing her voice. I've always loved American accents, and hers was just beautiful.

Later that night, I couldn't sleep. Victoria's side of the story was completely different than Josh's. Like their parents hadn't told them exactly what happened, so they each made up their own versions. If they knew about each other's versions, they would never talk to each other again. I replayed our conversation in my head:

"Well, my grandparents passed away, and Josh and Ben's dad and my mom had an argument over the will."

"Yeah," I knew this much already, so I let her continue.

"The lawyer didn't do a very good job, so there was confusion over what went to who..." She explained that their parents didn't speak to each other for days, and when they finally did, it ended with a punch, a broken nose, and three plane tickets to America. Of course, her version of the story had the punch coming from Josh's side of the family.

I replayed Josh's version of the story in my head:

It started off the same as Victoria's, but his ended with a kick to the balls (from Victoria's mother), a black eye (from Victoria's father), and three plane tickets to America.

It seemed as if they both blamed it on the other's parents. They each agreed with their own parents, which was not a surprise, but they each thought that they agreed with each other. I couldn't tell because they were practically best friends being reunited after nine years, but I couldn't keep it a secret because, well, if they found out I had been keeping it a secret, this would not end well for me. And I was hoping it would end very well for me with regards to Victoria.

Luckily, they tried to make a point not to speak of the problem between their parents, so I didn't have a problem with not bringing up the differences in their stories.

I'm guessing I did fall asleep, eventually, since I woke up, the next morning, around 8:45. I had dreamt about kissing Victoria. Whoah, that's weird; I haven't had a dream like that since I first started having feelings for Lily. I brushed that thought aside as I sat down, in between Victoria and Josh, for breakfast.


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