Chapter 15 - Niall

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*If I was your boyfriend I would never let you go...*

I scrambled to shut off my ringing phone so Liam could finish talking about who knows what, but before I did, I noticed it was from an unknown number. I never get unknown calls.

Two minutes later, we all heard a ding, signaling that I had gotten a voicemail.

I waited another five minutes for Liam to be done talking so I could listen to the voicemail. I'm still not sure exactly what he was talking about. I think he said something about Danielle, Eleanor, and Perrie coming to visit us on tour.

I know what you're thinking. 'I thought Danielle and Liam broke up!' They didn't. It was all a hoax. They made everyone think they broke up so Danielle would stop getting hate, but they really didn't. And that's why he hardly ever gets to see her! And we hardly ever get to see her!

I walked to the back of the bus to listen to the voicemail. "Niall. It's Lily. Meet me in front of Starbucks in fifteen minutes." I looked at my phone. She left that voicemail six minutes ago. That left me nine minutes to get dressed and walk three blocks to meet her.

I threw on sweatpants and a t-shirt. It wasn't like I was trying to impress anyone.

I had eight minutes to walk three blocks. That's enough time.

I ran through the front of the bus, but before I could get off Harry asked, "Where are you going?"

"Um, just meeting someone." It wasn't a lie. I didn't twist the truth either. It was exactly what I was doing. I just didn't give them exact details.

Liam seemed skeptical of my response, but Zayn, Louis, and Harry were convinced so he let it go.

I ran down the first block and then walked the last two, just to make sure I got there in time.

I came up behind her, so she didn't see me coming. "Hey Lil."

"Nialler!" she chirped, "I missed you! Oh hey, can I borrow your phone? Mines, uh, almost dead."

"Sure." I handed her my white iPhone.

She typed something and handed it right back. I looked at my messages and saw that she had texted Victoria. 'Meet me @ Starbucks in 5?' I felt my eyes widen at the text, but I quickly narrowed them again and put my phone in my pocket. Lily wouldn't do anything bad would she?

"So how's life treating you?" she asked.

"Amazing, actually. I got a great new girlfriend." I smiled at the thought of her.

"I know. I met her this morning. She was crying in the street. She was so distraught. We went into IHOP together and she told me everything."

What's 'everything'? And why was she crying? She wouldn't cry in the streets, would she? She'd find some place private! I think... Lily could've made it all up.

I tried to change the subject, "So what have you been doing over the past few months?"

"Oh, you know, helping girls on the streets," she smirked.

I rolled my eyes. I was glad she had broken up with me. And not just because I was with Victoria. By then I had realized what a bitch she was.

I soon saw Victoria turning the corner. Her head was down, so she didn't see me, but I could feel my lips stretching into a smile. Suddenly, a strong force pushed me into the wall. I looked down to see it was Lily. She was holding my arms up next to my head as she slammed her lips onto mine.

I tried to resist, but she was really strong. Gosh, that made me feel so weak. She was stronger than me. She was actually able to pin me against a wall, and I wasn't able to break away. 'I am definitely going to the gym later,' I thought.

When she finally pulled away, I looked over to see Victoria staring with tears streaming down her face. As soon as I looked at her, she turned and ran back the way she had come.

I ran after her, but Lily grabbed my arm, "Let her be, Ni."

"No! Leave me alone!" I screamed in her face as I ran towards Victoria screaming, "Wait! Vic! It's not what it looks like! Let me explain!"

She turned around and whispered just loud enough for me to hear, "That's what he said, too."

Author's Note: Sorry about the wait! I wanted to update last week, but I didn't have internet because of Hurricane Sandy! I'm posting this on my phone only because I made you wait 2 months last time and I knew that if I put it off this time, I would keep putting it off. I don't like updating from my phone, though, because the chapters seem longer on my phone than on my computer when they are, in fact, shorter. I hope you liked it, though.


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