Chapter 14 - Victoria

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*The next day*

I remembered that we had actually already gone public. Wow, we must both have terrible memories to have forgotten that! After only a day and a half! But what I was wondering was why we didn't get hate that first night but we did yesterday. I spent all day thinking about that. I just couldn't put my finger on it. Obviously that was why we didn't remember, but I still wanted to know why there was no hate. Did we not make it obvious that we were boyfriend and girlfriend?

Oh well, I got the hate and that's what matters. I really believed everything I read. I didn't deserve Niall. I was too ugly for him. He was waaay too far out of my league. Whatever it was, I believed it. But not anymore. It didn't matter what the haters thought. What mattered was that I loved Niall James Horan.

Wait, did I just say that? Do I love Niall? I mean, I know we've said it to each other before, but we were never totally serious! I think I really do love Niall. No, I know I really do love Niall.

I didn't have any plans, so I went out for lunch. I walked to IHOP. I was really in the mood for chocolate chip pancakes. Don't ask why!

As I walked down the street, only a few people noticed me.

"Hey! You're that girl who's dating Niall!"

I smiled at the girl who had said that as I nervously replied, "Yeah." When I saw her face, though, my smile disappeared. And her body. And her hair. And her clothes. I thought of all the hate I had read the night before.

"What's wrong?" she asked.

"N-nothing," I stammered as I looked at her beautiful face, wide brown eyes, plump lips that curved into an amazing smile, amazing body, perfect hair, and jaw-dropping sense of style. I realized how many girls there are out there who are so much better than me.

"No. There's something wrong. I know these things."

"It's really nothing!" I started to walk away.

"No it's not. You can tell me! I'm not a hater! You can trust me. I love Niall and if you make him happy, then I'm happy too, and I also wouldn't want someone he loves to be upset!"

I didn't know. I mean, anyone can say that! She could just be a really good actress! But for some reason, I felt like I could trust her.

She walked with me to IHOP, and we sat at a table together. We both ordered hot chocolate, and then I started talking.

"Well, it started in America. I moved there from England when I was nine, and I never really had many friends. Oh, by the way, Josh is my cousin."

"Josh? As in Josh Devine?" Her face lit up which helped cheer me up a little.

I nodded as I continued, "Then, I got a boyfriend. His name was Ryan, and I really loved him. I thought he loved me too, but he cheated on me with my best friend four too many times. Yes, he cheated on me four times and I was stupid enough to forgive him the first three times. Needless to say, we aren't best friends anymore. Anyway, I moved in with Josh when I graduated high school. I met Niall, we became good friends, we went on our first date, we became boyfriend and girlfriend, and I fell in love with him."

"Awww," the girl cooed.

"Oh, I never got your name."


My eyes widened. "Lily... Lily? Niall's ex-girlfriend Lily?" My heart dropped. No. No no no. She broke up with him. For all I knew, he still had feelings for her! After all, she only broke up with him because they didn't have enough time to see each other.

She gulped as she whispered, "Yes."

She was so much better than me! He obviously still loved her! He was probably just using me to get over her! All the hate came rushing back to me. I wasn't good enough for him. He could do so much better than me, and his so-much-better-than-me-ex-girlfriend was sitting right in front of me.

"You broke his heart," I mumbled, looking down at the table.

"I know," she muttered, "I loved him. I regretted breaking up with him as soon as I did it, but there was nothing I could do about it! I thought it would be easier if I didn't talk to him. Then I could meet someone else and get over him! I thought it would be easier than never seeing him. But it wasn't. I cried myself to sleep every night. I finally met someone else, but he never compared to Niall. We became good friends, and eventually, he became my best friend. We started dating about a month ago, and I think I'm finally getting over Niall."

I was scared she was going to try to steal my boyfriend from me! But I think we could actually make pretty good friends.

"Wow," was all I could say. Finally, I got control over my voice and told her, "You should come over some time! I mean, you and your boyfriend. What's your number?"

"Yeah, maybe! And it's 267-4013."

All that talking had worked up my appetite, and I realized the waitress hadn't come! We waved one over, and we both ordered chocolate chip pancakes. At least she didn't order, like, an omelet and make me feel fat.

We ate quickly, and I paid the check to thank her for caring for me, a random girl on the street that she didn't know anything about.

We hugged goodbye, and I watched her walk down the street before I turned to walk back to the bus.

A/N: I am soo sorry I didn't update sooner! Hopefully I didn't lose all my readers! Anyway, this isn't what I planned to happen but I had this idea as I was writing this chapter! I hope you liked it! :) and hopefully I can update soon!


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