Chapter 7 - Victoria

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He wanted to? I smiled, and when Josh turned away, Niall cupped my face in his hands and planted his lips on mine. And this time I wanted to kiss him back. Not the Ryan part of him, but actually him. I put my arms around his neck and after a little while, I felt his tongue tracing my lips, asking permission to enter my mouth. At that point, I heard Josh walk out, and I allowed Niall's tongue entrance.

"Um, what are you doing back here without the two lovebirds?" I heard Louis ask through the curtain. My stomach did a flip flop at that word.

"I couldn't watch," he paused. I'm guessing somebody was making a face, "Lou, how would you like to watch Harry making out with Lottie?! It's like that! It's pretty much my best friend hooking up with my little sister!"

"Ew! Why'd you get that thought in my head?! Sorry, dude." 

Niall pushed me up against the wall, and we both started breathing heavier. I started to unbutton his shirt.

He pulled away, "Whoah, not going there." I must've looked hurt because he said, "You know how we realized we're the only two virgins on this bus?" I nodded. "Well, I'd like to keep it that way. I don't really believe in sex before marriage." I started blushing as we walked back and Niall rebuttoned his shirt.

As we sat down, I got sympathetic looks from each boy. Whoah, were they eavesdropping? Except Josh. He didn't look at either of us. After hearing what he told Louis, I felt bad. He had just heard his "little sister" try to have sex with his best friend. Awkward.

We continued the game. "Niall, truth or dare?" I knew if he chose dare, I would be safe because it was Josh saying it, and he didn't want anything to happen between Niall and me.

I'm guessing Niall figured the same because he said, "Dare." 

Boy, were we wrong. "I dare you to ask Vic on a date."

I could feel my face glowing bright red as Niall said, "Dude," and then he leaned over and whispered to Josh (but I could still hear him), "I already have it planned. And thanks for picking me by the way," and then he came back to his normal sitting position and asked, "What's the consequence for not going through with a dare?"

Harry screamed, "FAN SANDWICH!" Josh explained to me that that meant that Niall had to walk into a big crowd and let the fans attack him. Oh, hadn't he told me he was claustrophobic? This couldn't be good. 

Niall sighed before saying, "Victoria, truth or dare?"

I was hoping he'd ask me out, so I said "Truth."

"Who would you prefer to kiss, that's in this circle, other than me?" My mouth dropped, but then he said,

"Just kidding!! Truth: Do you want to go on a date with me?"

I felt a smile spread across my face as I answered, "Yes!"

But then Harry screamed, "I wanna know the answer!!!! Who would you rather kiss between me, Louis, Zayn, and Liam?!"

I pretended to think long and hard about it, and after about a minute, I answered, "None of you," and when they all pretended to be upset, I continued, "I'd wanna kiss Niall. That's it."

We looked at each other and pecked each other on the lips as the five of them, even Josh, cooed in unison, "awwww!" 


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