Chapter 1

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If I have any grammar or spelling mistakes, please let me know! I will try to fix them right away! (This goes for all of the chapters!)


The cab pulled to a stop in front of her. She didn't want to get in. Well, she did. But she didn't.

Victoria was visiting her cousin, Josh. She was a little nervous as he had always been like a big brother to her, but when she moved from England to America when she was nine, they got out of touch, and they hadn't spoken since then.

She was excited to see him again, but she knew it would be awkward. The reason she moved to America? Her mom and Josh's dad, being brother and sister, got into a huge fight about their parents' wills when they had passed away. The only thing Mr. Devine and Mrs. Blakely could agree on was that they couldn't live near each other. So that summer, after school had ended, so it would be less trouble for Victoria, Mr. and Mrs. Blakely and Victoria hopped on a plane to the ATL. They lived in Atlanta, Georgia for nine years after that.

Victoria graduated high school this past June, and as her graduation present, her parents said she could take trip to anywhere she wanted to go. They were reluctant to allow her to go back to England, but they had made a promise, and they had to keep it. They had to let her go anywhere. She was to spend the entire summer with her cousins, Josh and Ben. And she couldn't come home until the end of the summer.

She had taken a plane from Atlanta to Leicestershire, where Josh and Ben lived. She got off at the East Midlands Airport, relieved to be off the plane after eight and a half hours. The cab was to take her to the Devine home. She knew they would be waiting for her, eagerly, so she jumped into the cab and gave the driver the address. It was only a five minute drive, and she only had one suitcase, so when she pulled up in front of the driveway that she had walked down so many times, she jumped right out and excitedly walked up to the front door. She knew where the spare key was; hidden under the mat on the steps, but she figured it would be a better idea to ring the doorbell, considering her uncle strongly disliked her parents, plus, she hadn't been there in nine years.

The front door opened, and she wondered who had done the job as Josh was standing several feet in front of the doorway with his arms open. She put her suitcase down and ran into her twenty-one-year old cousin's arms.

"I missed you so much!"

"I missed you, too, Vicky!" She smiled at him, and when he walked over to get her suitcase, she noticed a blonde boy standing behind the door. Even though she hadn't seen Ben in so long, she knew it couldn't possibly be him.

"Josh? Are you forgetting to introduce me to someone?"

She smiled at the boy as he walked over, "Hi, I'm Niall."

Oh, wow, she thought, he's hot, and he has an Irish accent?

 "Yeah, this is Niall. He's gonna be staying with us for the summer, too. Our tour just ended, so I invited him to stay here."

"Tour?" she asked with a puzzled look on her face.

The Irish boy smiled at her, "Yeah, I'm in a band called One Direction, and your cousin, here, is our drummer!"

"Josh! You never told me you played the drums!"

"Well, that's what happens when we don't talk for almost a decade!" She looked at Niall nervously, so Josh added, "It's okay. Niall knows what happened."

"So you're practically part of the family, then!" she exclaimed. The three of them laughed and walked upstairs.

After she had settled into her bedroom and unpacked the little stuff she had brought, Josh, Ben, and Niall were waiting for her down the hall.

"I'm just gonna stop in the bathroom. Haven't gone since this morning!"

Josh laughed, "Yeah, you always did hate airplane lavatories." He made airquotes with his fingers as he said "lavatories."


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