Chapter 16 - Victoria

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I had nowhere to go. We weren't near my house, and we weren't near Josh's house, so I ran back to the bus. I sat on my bed and cried. I just cried.

I can't believe he did that. Even after I told him why I broke up with my ex-boyfriend. He had the nerve to do the same thing.

I wish I could just forget him. I wish I could just block Niall Horan out of my head. And out of my life. But they are too many reasons why I can't...

1. He's my cousin's best friend. 

2. I'm on tour with his band. 

3. I'd have nowhere to go if I left the tour. 

And the one I hate myself for: 4. I am in love with Niall James Horan.

How can I block him out of my life when I'm in love with him? I wiped away most of my tears as I opened Safari on my iPhone and looked up flights to Atlanta. I found one and dialed my mother to tell her I was coming home. Just before it went to voicemail, though, I hung up. I remembered that I couldn't go home! If I did, I would never hear the end of it! They didn't want me visiting Josh in the first place!

Instead, I went back into Safari and looked up flights to Leicestershire. Once I found one I called Ben.


"Ben? It's Victoria," I said on the verge of tears again.

"What's up?"

I tried to choke back the tears as I explained what happened, but they flowed out anyway. "N-Niall. It's Niall. My Niall."

"What happened?!" Ben asked suddenly sounding worried.

"I-I saw him. I saw him with L-lily. Lily," I repeated more quietly.

"Oh, no, Vic. That's terrible." He sounded genuinely upset which made me feel worse, so I let out a loud sob.

"I found a flight to Leicestershire. Can you go online and book it for me? It's in three hours, leaving from Newark. I'll be ready. And would you mind meeting me at the airport when I get back?" I asked, tears still flowing.

"Of course! I'm on the website now," he assured me. "There. Done. I'll forward you the confirmation email, so you just have to show them that and they'll let you through."

"Thanks, Ben. I love you." I forced a smile. Even though I knew he couldn't see it, I was hoping it would make me feel a little better.

I quickly packed up my stuff before the boys got back. I didn't really worry about being neat. I would just refold it all when I got back to Ben's house, anyway. I just worried about speed. I threw all my clothes and toiletries and my pillow and anything I noticed lying around into my suitcase. I ran off the bus and down the street, hailing a cab.

I jumped in and told the driver, "Newark Airport, please."

He pulled away from the curb, and I looked out the window as it started to pour. Cliche, I know. My whole life for the past few months has been cliche. Recap, shall we? First, my boyfriend cheats on me with my best friend. Then, I meet someone who seems to be perfect. Then, of course, he cheats on me too, right? Now, as I'm running away, it starts raining. Cliche. I never would've called my life even the tiniest bit cliche, but things change.

Before I knew it, we pulled up in front of Newark International Airport. I took my time getting out and checking my suitcase. I also had a small carry on with my laptop, phone charger, and a few books and magazines to read.

After taking my time getting into the airport, I had to rush through security, and by the time I got to the gate, they were almost done boarding! I made my way up to the desk and showed them the email on my phone. They immediately let me through, and I found my seat and got comfortable. Well, as comfortable as you can get on a plane.

Author's Note: Hopefully this is longer than usual!  I hope you like it!


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